Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 583 Looks more masculine

Chapter 583 Looks more masculine

"Lu Sihui, you stand."

Seeing Lu Sihui's actions, Zhou Zixu ordered her loudly. He knew his eldest brother's temper. If Lu Sihui went to him, he would definitely be punished.


Lu Sihui pursed her lips and stopped, took a deep breath and turned to look at Zhou Zixu, with lingering anger in her eyes.

"As an iron-blooded man, obeying orders is a bounden duty, return to the team."

He sternly ordered that [-] meters was not a big challenge for him, but he was just a little tired.

"Lu Sihui, I order you to take them to clean up the snow on the training ground."

Zhou Zixu was worried, so he arranged another task for Lu Sihui, as long as he could tie her down.

Zhou Zixu's comrades all looked at him, feeling uncomfortable, and when they heard his order, they all acted quickly.

There is still snow in the sky, not as big as yesterday, but it keeps flying like goose feathers.

Especially the wind is so strong that the snowflakes hanging on the trees are also blown off, and cleaning is not of much use at this time.

Everyone cleaned the snowflakes on the ground in silence, Zhou Zixu continued to run with vigorous steps, Lu Sihui looked at him with distress, this man is really resolute, as stubborn as herself.

[-] meters is easy to say, and running without weight is unbearable for most people.

Zhou Zixu is not an iron man either, he also felt tired, but he gritted his teeth to keep his face from showing fatigue, and his footsteps were still strong. He ran round and round in the practice field, and his footprints covered layer after layer. The first floor was soon covered by flying snow, and then cleaned up by the station friends.

The lesbians were shocked. Zhou Zixu punished them harshly, and he was strict with himself. Sweat dripped down his forehead and hung on his eyelashes into frost, which could stick together in the blink of an eye.

He raised his hand to wipe it off nonchalantly, and continued to run again.

Zhou Zisong put his hands behind his back and looked at his younger brother silently. He has grown up, has a sense of responsibility, and is becoming more and more like a real iron-blooded man.

He smiled in relief, now that he believes in Zixu's words, he will definitely be an excellent leader in the future.

The sky is gradually getting dark, and the days in the Northeast in winter are very short, especially on the third or ninth day, when the sun does not show up at four or five o'clock in the evening, especially on such a snowy day, the darkness is depressing.

No one shouted cold, wanted to go back to the dormitory to rest, silently watched Zhou Zixu persevere there.

"Okay, huh, the warm-up was good this time, I'm sweating profusely, everyone has it, and I'm queuing up for dinner."

After the [-] meters were finally finished, Zhou Zixu let out a breath of white air, and wiped his face with his big hands, wiping off all the beads of sweat and frost on his eyelashes.

It was that handsome and exciting face again, the sweat-washed face looked more masculine.


All the standing guards saluted in unison. The scene was very spectacular. Not only the first team, but also the standing guards of the second and third teams came to watch when they heard that Zhou Zixu was punished.

The loud voice shook the snow off the trees, and the birds in the forest didn't know what happened?He screamed in fright and flew out of the woods.

[Dude, are these people crazy? 】

[The voice is louder than usual, let's celebrate!Let's continue to go back and fall in love, and ignore these psychopaths. 】

The stationmates didn't know that they were disgusted by the bird, and there was thunderous applause after the salute.

"There are all of them. See clearly. Even if the chief makes a mistake, he will be punished severely, and the punishment will be heavier than that of ordinary stationmates. No matter what time, you must remember that you are a comrade and you must be worthy of the uniform you wear."

Zhou Zisong appeared at the right time, shouted loudly to stop the applause, and spoke in a cold voice.

After hearing this, Lu Sihui frowned with pretty eyebrows, stepped forward to salute, and questioned Zhou Zisong.

"It's not his fault, why punish him?"

(End of this chapter)

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