Chapter 585
Lu Sihui smiled at Fuer, her tenderness could only be shown when facing him.

"Squad leader, we will cheer for you."

Huang Yaomei looked at Lu Sihui adoringly, she was so good, even Director Zhou was speechless by what she said.

Li Mei also clenched her fists to encourage her. At this time, she performed for Zhou Zixu to let him know that she and Lu Sihui had a good relationship.

"Squad leader, we support you mentally."

"it is good."

Lu Sihui pulled back her hand vigorously, but Zhou Zixu squeezed her hand tightly under the cotton coat, and then slowly let go. The stubbornness in Sihui's eyes let him know that even if he stopped it, it would be useless.

On the practice field, Zhou Zisong moved quickly and powerfully, so naturally a friend was helping him to check the numbers.

Lu Sihui lay on the ground five steps away from him, and began to do push-ups quickly.

The two seemed to be competing who could do it faster, and Lu Sihui's speed was no slower than Zhou Zisong's.

She calculated clearly that she only had five hundred and Zhou Zisong had one thousand.

Doing it slowly can save energy, but she wanted to do it quickly, because she wanted Zhou Zisong to be exhausted and unable to complete a thousand push-ups.

Feeling the provocation from Lu Sihui, Zhou Zisong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and followed her at a speed that was not slower than her at all.

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui, she was trying to save face for herself, so he could go and accompany her.

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"Hold it for me."

He handed Lu Sihui's clothes to Huang Yaomei, took off his cotton coat and threw it to his deputy captain.

"Sihui, I will accompany you for five hundred."

Zhou Zixu was full of pride, and his voice was full of power. He walked to Lu Sihui's side with big strides, and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

This scene made the stationmates on the training ground look at each other, not understanding what was going on.

Could it be that Captain Zhou was punished for being addicted?[-] meters is not enough, do push-ups to warm up?

At that time, will they stage a 400-meter obstacle run under the moonlight?
Zhou Zisong frowned secretly, what kind of trouble is this younger brother doing?

It's just that he is willing to be punished, so he can't say anything?
"three hundred."

My friends are checking the number and reporting the number every hundred. The speed is fast, which makes them feel ashamed, and they still practice less.

"Four hundred." When it reached four hundred, everyone looked at Lu Sihui in amazement. Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong practiced a lot. The speed has never slowed down?It's just unbelievable.

"Five hundred."

When it reached five hundred, the voices of the lesbians were full of excitement, and they looked at Lu Sihui with bright eyes. Is she too proud of the lesbians?

He is simply their idol.

"Report, I'm done."

Lu Sihui jumped up swiftly, panting for breath, saluted Zhou Zisong who was still doing push-ups, and proudly reported.

"it is good."

Zhou Zisong's face was cold, this girl's arm strength was as strong as his own, even he doubted that she would be able to follow if he asked her to make a thousand.

"Director Zhou, I won't accompany you anymore. I believe a thousand push-ups are nothing to you."

Sihui got up, Zhou Zixu didn't need to accompany his elder brother to be punished, he jumped up neatly, knocked off the snowflakes in his hands, and said to Zhou Zisong in a narrow voice.

Zhou Zisong pursed his lips tightly, burning with anger in his heart, feeling that he was humiliated by Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu's partnership.

Continue to do push-ups silently. I did it too hastily before, and I feel tired when I do it again without someone to compete with.

Two arms hurt, he had to slow down, so many station guards were watching!He gritted his teeth and had to persevere.

(End of this chapter)

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