Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 594 The Moon Is a Matchmaker

Chapter 594 The Moon Is a Matchmaker

Seeing Zhou Zixu run away, she was full of fighting spirit and quickened her pace, just to walk side by side with him.

Zhou Zisong watched them run coldly, then turned and left.

"Sihui, let's go eat."

Zhou Zixu wiped the sweat off his head, helped Sihui remove the ice from her hair, and panted to her.

Accompanied by Sihui, he completed [-] meters with ease, but he was still a little bit unsatisfied.

"it is good."

Zixu was very close to her, his masculinity was mixed with a little sweat, making him more masculine.

Lu Sihui's mind was shaken, she really wanted to get into his arms regardless, and kiss him hard.

"My elder brother seems to be gone."

Zhou Zixu thought the same as her, even if it was just a kiss!You can also understand the pain of lovesickness.

"Well, but there are others."

Lu Sihui's voice was a little hoarse, and her bright black eyes scanned around, and she could feel that there were still eyes watching them around.

"Let's go!"

Helplessness flashed in Zhou Zixu's eyes. He could see her every day, but he could only look at her and not touch her. It was even more torture.

The two walked side by side in the snow, and the moonlight elongated their shadows, one tall and one short, superimposed together.

"Sihui, look at our shadows, the moon is a matchmaker."

Zhou Zixu smiled, feeling a little comforted in his heart, the moon helped the two of them get closer.

The cooks in the cafeteria left Zhou Zixu's meal, and naturally there was Lu Sihui's meal, which was brought out to them when it was hot.

"Sihui, eat quickly."

Zhou Zixu looked at the food, there was hot soup, leftovers, and rice. After running [-] meters, his stomach was empty. Even if it was a simple meal, it has become a delicacy now.


When Lu Sihui saw Zhou Zixu put most of the vegetables into her bowl, she felt warm in her heart. He always made her feel his care.

The meal was delicious for the two of them, and they would smile heartily when they looked at each other.

The friends in the cooking class all looked at them with envy, and the leftovers were eaten by these two people with a sweet feeling.

"Xiao Chen, I will definitely go on a blind date when I get home this time."

"The captain is good at choosing. The most beautiful lesbian in the propaganda team has become his object. I'm envious."

"You didn't see how handsome our captain is. Which one of you is as handsome as him?"

Several people discussed in low voices, those who have no daughter-in-law want to find a wife, and those who have a partner hope to be as loving as Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui.

"I'm going back."

After Lu Sihui was full, she whispered something to Zhou Zixu.

The eating time is limited, even if it is only the two of them, they must obey it.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu looked at her reluctantly, stood up, picked up his hat and put it on.

"It's all sweat."

Immediately, he took it off in disgust. He didn't feel it when he was wearing it. He took it off and put it on again. The cold and wet feeling was too uncomfortable, so he simply took off the hat and held it with his hands.

"I am leaving."

Lu Sihui put on the hat and frowned uncomfortably, but she didn't take it off, and didn't watch Zhou Zixu walk away.


Zhou Zixu caught up with her directly, dissatisfied that she left without looking at him.

Lu Sihui pursed her lips, but did not stop him, and the two left the cafeteria side by side.

"Sihui, this feels a bit like an old married couple."

Zhou Zixu said depressingly, old couples are like left-handed models of right-handed, and Sihui's attitude towards him is somewhat similar.

People who are in love, when they separate, they are full of affection and reluctant to part, you send me off, I send you off, the see-saw stand can last for half a night.

How is she? She walks away after dinner. It's been a long night and we won't meet until tomorrow. Doesn't she miss him?

(End of this chapter)

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