Chapter 608 Women Are For
Captain Ma came over with a cold face. When facing Lu Sihui, he remembered the embarrassment of losing to her, and asked him to be in charge of entertaining. What did the director think?


Lu Sihui saw that it was Captain Ma, and they were considered acquaintances. In the previous training sparring, this man was ruthless enough.

After angering her, she didn't save him face and easily controlled him.

Seeing the hostility in Captain Ma's eyes, Lu Sihui smiled contemptuously. He should be thankful that he really got her angry, and it was a killer move. He wouldn't survive now.

Faced with the contempt in Lu Sihui's eyes, Captain Ma gritted his teeth, turned around angrily, and led the way with standard steps.

Lu Sihui from the security team came three times, the first time was in the auditorium, the second time was during training, and the third time was today's sympathy performance.

The difference is that Zhou Zixu was with him the previous two times, but this time he was not there.

"Sister-in-law, our captain is on vacation today."

Captain Sun found a way to get close to Lu Sihui and whispered something to her.

Ever since Lu Sihui defeated Captain Ma, he respected and admired her, and never dared to underestimate women.

Even, in private, I secretly asked the captain, "Sister-in-law is so powerful, aren't you afraid you won't be able to beat her?"

And Zhou Zixu's answer made him surprised: "Women are used to spoil 1, why do you want to hit her? You can't even love enough."

At that time, he asked mischievously: "If the sister-in-law hits you, will you fight back?"

The captain's answer was even more domineering: "Why fight back? A big man won't die if he hits twice. Hitting is kissing, scolding is love. It proves that your sister-in-law loves me. I'm too happy to be happy!"

At that time, he was dumbfounded and couldn't believe that his rebellious captain said this.

I even sneered a little in my heart, afraid of my wife and embarrassing a man.

But when facing Lu Sihui, the arrogance she showed from time to time made people dare not underestimate her.

Only then did he feel from his heart how proud Captain Zhou was to have a daughter-in-law like Lu Sihui.

She looks good, sings well, dances softly, and has good physical training. She looks good when she goes out, and she can have a little flair at home between husband and wife.

He fell in love with Huang Yaomei who was next to Lu Sihui. She was much thinner than last time, with more beautiful eyebrows and eyes, full of energy, and as heroic as Lu Sihui.

"Is he resting?"

Lu Sihui didn't correct Captain Sun's title, and her mind was on Zhou Zixu's vacation.

He wasn't there, and he didn't have much motivation to perform.

"Our captain said, my sister-in-law is here, let me give you this letter."

Captain Sun secretly slipped a letter to Lu Sihui, and Lu Sihui put it in her pocket calmly.

Last time because of the letter, there was almost a big mess. Zhou Zixu was so bold, he dared to write her a letter?

Captain Ma turned back with a cold face, saw Captain Sun smiling at Lu Sihui, and sternly shouted: "Captain Sun, return to the team."


Captain Sun hurriedly saluted and returned to the team.

Lu Sihui glanced at Captain Ma lightly, wondering if he had seen the letter?Shall I hide the letter?
Fortunately, there was no trouble like last time this time. The propaganda team was led by Teacher Huang. She didn't pay attention to the situation here, and all her thoughts were on the performance.

Overall, the performance went well. Lu Sihui sang a song and danced a red sun dance with her comrades.

Huang Yaomei talked about a Shandong Allegro, with a spirited appearance and a refreshing performance, which made Captain Sun even more anxious. Captain Zhou agreed to introduce him to him. I don’t know if Huang Yaomei can fall in love with him?

(End of this chapter)

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