Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 619 The Hero of the Women's Middle School

Chapter 619 The Hero of the Women's Middle School
Zhou Dongsheng stood up pitifully, and looked at Zhou Zixu beggingly. He actually wanted to know what it was like to call his mother.

"That won't work, call me auntie!"

Zhou Zixu rubbed his forehead, why did Dongsheng make this request again, there is really no way to agree!
"Hey, Dongsheng, you have your own mother, so you can't yell casually."

Mr. Zhou was very happy at first, but because of his great-grandson's sadness, he was upset, as if he had been crushed by a boulder.

Zhou Zisong was very angry, the child is so pitiful, he is getting older day by day, the more he knows, the more he yearns for maternal love.

Even if you can't be with Dongsheng's mother, you can find him a good stepmother so that he can experience what maternal love is.

"Dongsheng, Aunt Sihui cannot agree to this request."

Although Lu Sihui felt sorry for Dongsheng, Zhou Zisong had already warned her about what happened last time. If she agreed today, would Zhou Zisong think that she did it on purpose?
"I see."

Zhou Dongsheng sat back on the stool listlessly, facing the table full of delicious food, he was not interested in it.

"Dongsheng, can I get you some soda?"

Aunt Su felt sorry for this child without a mother. When she saw him, she remembered Zixu when she was a child. When his mother just died, he was so sad, punished himself, and hid in a corner.

"No, I'm going to sleep."

Zhou Dongsheng shook his head, jumped off the stool, and walked upstairs.


Aunt Su hurriedly stood up and went to take care of the child, giving him a little warmth.

"Aunt Sihui, can you sleep with my arms around me tonight?"

Dongsheng walked up to the stairs, and suddenly turned around to look at Lu Sihui. The anticipation in his eyes made Lu Sihui unable to say no.

"Okay, but you have to eat up the dumplings."

Lu Sihui picked up a small bowl, put a bowl of dumplings for him, smiled softly at him, held up the bowl and said to him.

"it is good."

Dong Sheng, who was still looking listless just now, became happy in a blink of an eye, bounced back to the dining table, picked up chopsticks and ate dumplings with big mouthfuls.

Zhou Zixu looked at Dongsheng depressedly, and then at his grandfather. It was rare for Sihui to come back. One of them dominated the first half and the other occupied the second half.

"Grandpa, I wish you a long life."

Seeing that Dongsheng was in a better mood, Lu Sihui toasted to grandpa.

"Haha, okay, grandpa will live a long life, and he will take care of your children in the future."

Mr. Zhou raised his glass happily, collided with Lu Sihui, and took a long gulp.

"Wow, it's really spicy."

Lu Sihui thought that she had to drink a toast, so she held her breath and drained a glass of white wine.

The hot, spicy wine flowed down her throat, and she breathed out with her mouth wide open, fanning herself with her hands, and sticking out her tongue, she couldn't relieve the pungent taste.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and eat your vegetables."

Zhou Zixu's heart ached so badly that he quickly picked up a chicken thigh for Lu Sihui.

"This kid is a deliverable, too real."

Mr. Zhou laughed out loud, Sihui was simply bold when drinking, and she felt like a hero among women.

He looks very cute after drinking, no wonder his grandson likes him so much, anyone will like such a willful and unpretentious girl.

Lu Sihui ate up one chicken leg, and the smell of alcohol in her mouth still hadn't disappeared. She glanced at Grandpa's cup and just took a sip.

Depressedly asked him: "Grandpa, didn't you drink it all in one gulp?"

"Of course not. Tasting wine is the same as tasting tea. You have to drink slowly. Why are you bored?"

Mr. Zhou smiled and picked the elbow meat for her. Aunt Su made it very delicious. When it was cooked, cut it into thin slices, put on soy sauce, chopped green onion, MSG and salt noodles, and steamed it on the pan. It was fat but not greasy. Eat it Still want to eat.

"I thought I was going to drink it all in one gulp!"

Lu Sihui laughed, feeling a little dizzy, looking at the double shadow that her grandfather had turned into.

(End of this chapter)

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