Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 633 Disguised Investigation

Chapter 633 Disguised Investigation
The team leader first took a deep breath of the cigarette, and when he let it out, he pretended to be mysterious and waved to Zhao Jinchen.

"You say."

Zhao Jinchen leaned over and waited for him to continue talking.

"That's right, do you know why we put all the red armbands in our pockets? It's just to catch this kid, it's too damned, a pig was sold under our noses, and a large group of people caught him, but we didn't catch him. I feel that he must be a bad guy, otherwise why is he so powerful, like a loach, he can't be caught!"

The squad leader sucked his teeth, grinding his teeth with hatred as he spoke.

If he really caught him, he would have to peel off his skin.

In order to make that kid unlucky, and to attract the attention of the authorities, he directly slandered her as a bad person. If someone from the unit intervenes, he will definitely be caught.

Give him the reputation of being a bad guy, and you will never even think about turning over in this life.

"So powerful? What does he look like? How tall is he? Does he speak? What accent?"

Zhao Jinchen was very interested and asked a series of questions.

"No one has seen what he looks like. I heard from those who bought things that her voice is like a teenager with a voice change period, and she is about half the height of a child. According to him, she was caught on the mountain with her father. Wild boar, in order to exchange money for family members to treat illnesses."

A cigarette was gone in a blink of an eye, and the team leader didn't even let go of the cigarette butt. He took two puffs before he was willing to throw it away.

The answer was very comprehensive. After all, he had suffered from that person, and he was the one who gritted his teeth in hatred and determined to catch him.

"Thank you comrade."

Zhao Jinchen knew what he wanted to know, thanked him, and turned to leave.

As soon as I walked to the entrance of the alley, I saw a group of people wearing red armbands coming in Hulala, all of them holding guys!
"It's him! Come on, comrades, grab him."

The leader was sent by the team leader to find someone. When he saw Zhao Jinchen, he gave an order, and a group of people surrounded Zhao Jinchen in the center.

"Say, what do you do?"

"Oh, I misunderstood. He is defending comrades. He is here to investigate the wild pork seller. That person is a bad person."

The team leader rushed over to help Zhao Jinchen out of the siege. In fact, he was very curious, if Zhao Jinchen would be able to beat the big guys.

It is said that iron-blooded men are powerful, one can beat ten, but I have never seen it before.

"Really? Then we must catch him, and we can't let the bad guy escape."

"I didn't say he was a bad guy, don't talk nonsense."

That man was a jerk, he only heard the first sentence, but didn't hear the latter sentence, he raised a stick and threw it at Zhao Jinshen's head.

"Stop it, you idiot."

The captain was so frightened that he hurriedly called him, but he was a step too late. Seeing that the stick was about to hit Zhao Jinchen's head, he covered his eyes in fright. This iron-blooded man was beaten, and they would be punished.

Zhao Jinchen raised his hand and grabbed the stick with his arm. He didn't do anything, not wanting to cause trouble.

The stick hit his arm and broke in two. Everyone present were dumbfounded. What kind of effort was this? It was too powerful.

"Comrade, you are amazing. Is this arm made of iron?"

The captain's face turned pale with fright, the beating fool was his brother-in-law, he really disabled the Iron-Blooded Man, he was about to get involved.

"It's nothing? You shouldn't touch the guy. I have practiced kung fu. If it's an ordinary person, wouldn't it be broken by you?"

Zhao Jinchen frowned and looked at the fool. This was obviously not the first time he had done it, and he was already proficient. The boy who sold wild pork fell into their hands, so he also wanted this stick?

(End of this chapter)

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