Chapter 648 Creepy
"Where can I catch the mouse and throw it on your bed? Can I hide the mouse from being discovered by others? Do I have that ability? I think you have a mental problem."

Lu Sihui spoke coldly, her voice was not loud, but it could arouse other people's daydreams.

"That's right, Ding Li, it's not because you don't want to withdraw five years, you are under too much pressure, and you have hallucinations?"

"Sleep well! Retiring five is not a big deal."

At this time, the people in the dormitory still cared about her, and they all comforted Ding Li, after all, some of them were going to retire soon.

Those with sprained ankles, those with injuries, and those who have not been promoted at the end of the age limit must be refunded by five years.

Cherish each other, and feel sorry for her.

After some reassurance, everyone lay down and went to sleep.

Lu Sihui covered the quilt and turned to face the wall, leaving only a back view for Ding Li.

The others also lay down. Ding Li looked at her bed and took a flashlight to light it again and again. She didn't find any mice, so she lay down.

But with what happened just now, she tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

"Ding Li, if you don't sleep, we still want to sleep!"

The other people started to get upset, they made noise when they got on and off the bunk, and it was very disturbing in the dead of night.


She honestly agreed, and simply covered herself with the quilt, closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

But when she was in a daze, when she heard the voice again, she shuddered, but she was still covered by the quilt. If she didn't look, she wouldn't be afraid.

She thought so, and she did so.

But it was useless, this time she felt something moving in the bed, she shivered and turned on the flashlight, screamed in fright, opened the bed and ran outside, because of panic, hit two beds in a row, and finally lay on the ground, Frightened, he opened the door and climbed out.

"What are you doing? Let people sleep?"

"Just fell asleep, and you woke me up, Ding Li, did you mean it?"

The girls in the dormitory surrounded Ding Li and glared at her. As soon as the door was opened, cold wind would blow into the room. It was quite cold in the room when the stove was turned off in the middle of the night.

Now she has let go of the heat, and was woken up in the middle of the night. No matter how good-tempered she is, she can't help but get angry.

"There are bugs. There are many bugs and feet in my bed."

Ding Li's lips trembled when she spoke, she got up and jumped on the ground, there were dozens of bugs in the bed just now, they were all the kind of multi-legged grass crawlers, crawling densely into her clothes, she could feel those feet touched her skin.

It's really creepy, more terrifying than being forced to the neck by a kitchen knife.

She was so frightened that she cried, she really didn't have any strength in her body, no matter how she took pictures, she felt that there were bugs in her clothes.

In front of the girls in the dormitory, she even lifted up her clothes to check if there were any bugs on her body?

This action frightened the girls, and those who were courageous and not afraid of bugs went over and lifted her quilt, and the couch was clean, and there was nothing.

This time the girls were furious, thinking that Ding Li was deliberately pretending to be crazy, so that she couldn't sleep and wouldn't let everyone else sleep.

"Ding Li, you're going too far."

"In the middle of the night, are you okay to scare people?"

"Are you as wicked as you? I'm most afraid of bugs."

In the face of everyone's condemnation, she has no time to scruple, and always feels that there are bugs crawling on her body.

In the end she simply took off her clothes, which stunned everyone.

Even if they are all women, they can't do this, right?

Besides, it's not that there are no men in this courtyard. The guards and the cooking team are all men.

She stripped herself naked like this, isn't she shameless?

(End of this chapter)

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