Chapter 658

"Have you all eaten?"

Lu Sihui spoke lightly, Qiu Lihong felt relieved, she thought that Lu Sihui would ask them what they were called to question, what did they ask?

Director Wu said that the content of the conversation should not be leaked to Lu Sihui, that's why everyone was so nervous.

"We haven't eaten either! Let's go see if there is anything to eat in the cafeteria?"

Qiu Lihong showed an embarrassed smile, and her voice was stiff.

"Let's go!"

Lu Sihui jumped off the bed neatly, put on her shoes and walked straight out the door.

The girls looked at each other, and some were reluctant to walk with her.

"it is good."

Qiu Lihong looked at everyone, she was afraid of being implicated!
What can she do if she goes out with Lu Sihui?Anyway, she's going to retire this time.

Lu Sihui glanced at her, and could see a person's sincerity at critical moments.

The other people in the room saw Qiu Lihong leaving with Lu Sihui generously, thinking about it, it wasn't a big deal.

All followed out of the dormitory and went to the cafeteria to eat together.

After the meal time in the cafeteria, there is naturally no food, but friends from the cooking class, help the girls save food!

We all know that the leader is looking for a conversation, so it's normal to be late.

Seeing the girls coming in, they hurriedly lit the fire. Hot dishes and steamed buns.

Lu Sihui sat there quietly, without any anxiety on her face. Qiu Lihong liked her calmness very much. If it were an ordinary person, everyone would have been called to talk by the leader, but she was not called. Otherwise, they would have panicked a long time ago. .

The meal was very silent, no one spoke, and the girls ate at a speed comparable to that of gay men.

After eating and returning to the dormitory, everyone washes up and goes to bed. The procedure is the same as every day. The difference is that before going to bed, they would chat and make a few jokes.

Today, everyone seemed to have not slept for a few days. After washing, they fell asleep and no one said a word.

Lu Sihui calmly climbed onto her couch, quietly waiting for the robot's report.

In the dead of night, the girls all fell asleep, and Lu Sihui entered the space capsule.


She gave orders to the robot.

"What is the relationship between Lu Sihui and Zhou Yanhong? Was Ding Li punished because of Lu Sihui? Did nothing happen last night?"

Lu Sihui listened quietly, and the matter was already very clear.

Ding Li went to the unit to find the leader to sue Zhou Yanhong, and the fuse was herself.

Ding Li didn't remember what happened last night at all, she just said that Zhou Yanhong set her up.

Fortunately, with the testimony of the dormitory and the guards, Ding Li was taken for a mental examination.

And the situation of her joining the team, and the situation of her extraordinary promotion, she asked in great detail.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lu Sihui's mouth, all of this surrounded her.

Zhou Yanhong was obviously implicated by her. Since Ding Li is in the first year of junior high school, don't blame her for being in the fifteenth year.

The examination will be carried out tomorrow, so tonight her mental illness will have to relapse again, so that it will be convincing, isn't it?
The next day the sun was shining brightly, and the investigation team had huge dark circles under their eyes. Ding Li made a fuss all night last night, but she didn't kill them all.

Don't be afraid of anything else, the most important thing is that Ding Li took off her clothes in public and said there were bugs on her body.

They are all men!Faced with this situation, no one dared to go over to him in fright, something happened, and he couldn't explain clearly.

In the end, Zhou Yanhong was called, but she couldn't hold Ding Li down at all, so she had no choice but to go to the hospital to give her a sedative.

The next morning, it was a rare sunny day in this winter. Mr. Zhou got up early, put on his uniform, stood at the door with a cane, and waited for his grandson to drive him to the higher-level unit.

(End of this chapter)

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