Chapter 667

Zhou Zixu asked Lu Sihui in a low voice, holding her hand in front of his grandfather, as if he didn't see his grandfather staring at him frequently.

"No comment."

Lu Sihui nodded. When she first bought the house, she also wanted to give it to Jianguo. The yard is big enough to build another room.

"We'll live here temporarily after we get married. When Jianguo gets married and needs to get married, I'll apply for a family building at my work unit, and we'll give him the house."

Zhou Zixu was very thoughtful, knowing that what Sihui missed most was Jianguo.

"Does he know the house?"

Lu Sihui smiled, she doesn't care, as long as she has a place to live.

"Yes, he has no class tomorrow on Sunday, so I'll pick him up."

Zhou Zixu wanted to surprise Sihui first. As for the brother-in-law, he came here once when the name was changed.


Lu Sihui smiled, she hadn't seen Jianguo for two months, she missed him a lot.

"Sihui, I told you Aunt Su to buy some vegetables, and I'm cooking and eating here today, it's a good start."

Mr. Zhou heard them whispering, and interrupted their conversation with a smile. Zhou Zixu had bought all the pots and pans in the kitchen, but he hadn't used them. He didn't want to go back today, so he started a business here.

"Okay! I'll cook."

Lu Sihui smiled, this is her home, she should do her best as a landlord.

"I'll go get some game and come back."

Knowing that grandpa likes to eat game, she planned to go into the mountains to get some back.

"I will go with you."

Zhou Zixu volunteered and was worried that she would go into the mountain by herself.

"Come on, don't go, Xiao Su will be back soon."

Mr. Zhou refused to let them go, and dragged them into the yard to talk about his plan.

"I plan to pave a brick floor here. When the pear blossoms are in bloom, I will set up a set of stone tables and chairs under the tree. It will be a pleasant thing to play chess. There are also two gardens with red bricks in the middle. Plant grapes."

Grandpa was very happy, so he began to speak eloquently, and dictated the planned design to the two of them.

"Haha, old man, I heard your voice outside the courtyard."

Aunt Su came in with a bag, bought a lot of vegetables, and made fun of the old man when she entered the courtyard.

"Grandpa, I found that your voice is loud now. I should ask Dr. Tang to examine you again. I think your illness is cured."

Aunt Su didn’t say anything, but Zixu hadn’t noticed it yet. He remembered what he said. It’s been a long time since he heard Grandpa gasp in his throat, and he didn’t have enough energy to speak like before. His voice sounded like a bell. There is a comparison.

Hearing his grandson's words, the smile on Mr. Zhou's face froze. He even forgot that he was a terminally ill person.

"It's good not to check."

Not wanting to increase his troubles, Mr. Zhou rejected his grandson's proposal, and because of Zi Xu's words, he became preoccupied.

Lu Sihui was in charge of cooking in person, but Aunt Su refused to let her try to help her, so she pushed her out of the kitchen and closed the door to cook by herself.

Her movements are very fast, three meat and three vegetables, and it will be ready soon.

"It's really fragrant, Sihui's craftsmanship is better than that of a chef."

When Mr. Zhou saw the food on the table, his face was filled with a smile again.

He is a free-spirited person, and the fact that he is terminally ill can only make him uncomfortable for a while, and now he has thrown it to the back of his mind.

"Aunt Sihui, I want to eat your cooking every day."

Dongsheng acted like a baby and was very cute. He was very afraid that his uncle would not let him come and live, so he got rid of Aunt Sihui's beard first.

Zhou Zixu glared at him. There was cunning hidden in the little guy's big dark eyes. Didn't he just want to live here if he ate every day?
He reached out and hooked his nose, and cursed with a smile.

"You boy, digging a hole again for your Aunt Sihui to jump?"

(End of this chapter)

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