Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 676 The Perfect Ending

Chapter 676 The Perfect Ending
Lu Sihui sneered and looked at the tall figure of Zhao Jinchen on the road, turning back quickly.

Standing up, she took a step back, went into the woods, and took out the deer from the space capsule.

She didn't want Zhao Jinchen to doubt herself again.


As soon as she left the woods, Lu Sihui heard Zhou Zheng shouting for help, with panic in her voice, she was so frightened!

Zhao Jinchen stared at Zhou Zheng with bloodshot eyes, grabbed his neck with his big hands, his anger made him lose his mind, and he punched him in the face with his fist.

Lu Sihui was standing by the side of the road with her back on her back and watching. Zhao Yuying had already woken up and was sitting by the side of the road against a big tree to watch her brother beat Zhou Zheng.

She sneered and had a good idea in her mind.

He was about to leave with the roe on his back, but was seen by Zhao Yuying.

"You desperate woman."

Her voice was a little slurred, and there was only a slit left in her eyes, which was very similar to when Lu Sihui was fat before, even uglier than she was then.

Lu Sihui looked at her condescendingly, the moonlight shined on Zhao Yuying's face through the branches of the tree, she looked three parts human and seven parts ghost, if she went out in the middle of the night, the gentlemen would have to be scared out of their wits by her.

It's just that no matter how badly she was beaten, Lu Sihui would not pity her, and said mockingly.

"People like you deserve to be killed, why should I save you?"

Zhao Jinchen was beating Zhou Zheng furiously!He beat him so hard and shouted for help that he didn't have the strength to do so. He suddenly heard Lu Sihui's chilly voice, and he threw Zhou Zheng back to look at the woman standing by the roadside.

"Brother, she doesn't care if she sees Zhou Zheng beating me, black heart."

Zhao Yuying complained to her elder brother, she felt severe pain in her chest, she seemed to have an egg in her mouth, and she couldn't speak clearly.

"How can you watch him beat someone and ignore him?"

Zhao Jinchen stepped out of the ditch in two steps, and questioned Lu Sihui condescendingly. He knew her skills best. As long as she was willing to stop her, her sister would not be beaten so badly.

"Why should I care?"

Lu Sihui threw the deer on the ground, put her arms around her chest, and stared at Zhao Jinchen with a sneer.

Seeing Zhao Jinchen's chest heaving and breathing heavily from his nose, Lu Sihui approached him with a smile and said loudly to him.

"Your sister deserves a beating."


Zhao Jinchen was so angry that he really wanted to punch Lu Sihui in the face.

They are all women, how can they watch Yuying being beaten like this?
Just now Zhao Yuying told him that if she hadn't played dead, Zhou Zheng would have beaten him to death.

As long as he thought of his sister's helplessness at that time, Zhao Jinchen's heart seemed to be on fire, and he had nowhere to vent, so he hit Zhou Zheng very hard just now, if Lu Sihui hadn't come out, he might have beaten him to death.

"What about me? Your family doesn't want to take care of it. Naturally, someone will take care of it for you. I don't have time to take care of you. Go home and eat meat."

Lu Sihui glanced at him with a sneer, gloating at his misfortune.

It's not that she is unkind, it's that the siblings are too annoying, one is bad at herself several times, the other is suspicious of her at every turn, and complains to her.

Carrying the deer on his back and walking towards the city, what will happen to those three people?She just can't be bothered.

It would be best for Zhao Jinchen to beat Zhou Zheng to death, and then he would be imprisoned and Zhao Yuying disabled.

Perfect ending.

Zhao Jinchen's fists were clenched, and Lu Sihui's contemptuous and mocking eyes were unbearable to him. Her words were like a biting cold wind, and every sentence made one's heart chill.

How can you do this?They are all from the same village, do their brothers and sisters make her hate that much?
"Brother, don't let her go, I'm going to sue her, and I won't save her."

(End of this chapter)

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