Chapter 688

Zhao Yaozu froze on the spot, just like a tiger descending the mountain, now he looks like a deflated ball.

"If there is a problem with your family's tutoring, the eldest girl slept with my son, and your son beat my son half to death. You have to watch if my family doesn't want your daughter."

Zhou Zheng's mother had disliked Zhao Yuying before, a girl from the countryside, a temporary worker, and average-looking, she was really not good enough for her family.

But Zhou Zheng said that her brother is very good in the work unit, and he will be able to borrow money in the future. He is married again and wants to find a good girl in the city, but no one will give him, so he will let it go.

I didn't expect Zhao Yuying's father and elder brother to be so difficult to mess with, and her son likes to beat his wife. Afterwards, she really got married. Whenever the couple got into a fight, the father-in-law and uncle would go to bed together. Who could bear that?

"Losing the face of the ancestors."

Zhao Yaozu gritted his teeth, let go of Zhou Zheng's father's collar, said a word in a hoarse voice, turned around and left.

This kind of shameless girl, he will never have had.

"Is this gone?"


"Her family is too natural, let's not want her."

Several members of the Zhou family in the room began to discuss countermeasures, which was very unfavorable to Zhao Yuying.

Zhao Yaozu ran to the daughter's ward in a rage, at this time Zhao Yuying had already woken up, and when she saw her mother coming, she hugged her and cried aggrievedly.

"Go, we don't have such a shameless girl in our family."

Zhao Yaozu didn't even look at Zhao Yuying when he entered the door, he dragged his wife away.


Zhao Yuying was terrified, her father and mother left, what should the Zhou family do if they bullied her?
Lu Sihui didn't know anything about the hospital's affairs. At this time, she was watching her younger brother's study.

Zixu missed Zhao Jinchen, and drove away without stopping after sending her home.

"Sister, this house is really nice."

Lu Jianguo looked at his home curiously, sleeping comfortably.

"My sister will live here first when she gets married. After you get married, I will buy another house."

Lu Sihui smiled, she had already made plans.

Zhou Zixu forced her to pay 300 yuan, saying that it was not worth that much money to buy a house.

She didn't believe it, so he smiled and said, marrying a daughter-in-law should be paid by a man, and let her give him a chance to show off.

Sooner or later she was going to marry him, so she didn't argue with him.

The monthly allowance is enough for Jianguo to spend, and she doesn't have much money to spend.

Besides, that big mountain is her inexhaustible treasure. If she has no money, she will sell a wild boar.

Those who catch speculators can't catch her.

"Sister, this yard is big. When I get married, just build another wing. I don't want to be separated from you."

Lu Jianguo looked at his sister anxiously, hoping that she would agree to him.


Lu Sihui thought about it, and readily agreed. She thought it was good, and the family lived together.

There was still some scorpion meat, and in the evening Lu Sihui cooked another dish and steamed steamed buns, and the room was full of the smell of food.

"Sister, I have to go to school tomorrow, so I can only come back at night. Usually, you are not at home, and I am alone."

Lu Jianguo felt a little uncomfortable. He was afraid of being alone and liked to be accompanied by his sister.

"You have to get used to being alone, no one can accompany you forever."

Lu Sihui replied coldly without even raising her eyelids. Disappointment flashed in Lu Jianguo's eyes, and her sister was still as indifferent as before.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Zixu came over early. Lu Jianguo's school was far away, so he came to see him off.

"Sihui, grandpa ordered it for you."

Passing half a bag of rice in his hand to Lu Sihui, Mr. Zhou would be willing to do anything to his granddaughter-in-law.

"Thank him for me, by the way, how did your elder brother deal with Zhao Jinchen?"

(End of this chapter)

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