Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 802 Could it be the two of them who did it?

Chapter 802 Could it be the two of them who did it?
With his humble appearance, he successfully received Lu Sihui's blank stare.

"Eating can't stop your mouth."

Jiao Yi scolded him angrily, filled a bowl for herself, and sat on the stool to eat.

Not to mention, she also felt very hungry and could eat a cow. It seemed that she had put in a lot of energy last night.

Zhou Zixu secretly observed her expression, seeing her ever-changing little face, he gave a naughty smile, lowered his head and continued eating noodles.

The two of them were also really hungry. They ate up a pound of dried noodles and noodle soup.

"I do the dishes."

I didn't work hard to cook, so Zhou Zixu, who did the dishes, took over.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui didn't give in either, she stood up and went into the room to take out the dirty quilt she had changed.

Throw it into the washbasin, pick up the iron kettle on the stove, and pour hot water into the basin.

"Want to do the laundry? Isn't this a bed sheet? What's the new one for?"

Zhou Zixu came over after washing the dishes, saw Lu Sihui wiping the sheets with soap, and asked a puzzled question.

"Isn't that your criminal evidence?"

Lu Sihui gave him an angry look again, and continued to wash her clothes.

"Oh, I see, Sihui, I love you."

Suddenly Zhou Zixu saw the suspicious red color on the quilt, so he spoke clearly, raised his eyes to look at his wife, and expressed his love affectionately.

"Go ahead, you wash."

Seeing his appearance, Lu Sihui angrily stuffed the sheet into his hand.

Stand up by yourself and do two hundred push-ups in the yard.

"Hehe, just wash it, I have big hands."

In the room, Zhou Zixu scrubbed the sheets triumphantly, as if it was a happy job.

In the courtyard, Lu Sihui finished her push-ups, opened the courtyard door and went out.

When she saw Zhou Zixu's jeep, anger flashed in her eyes.

He walked over and checked the tires, both front wheels were punctured.

Biting one lip and being angry, this is destroying public goods.

"Okay, who is so wicked?"

After Zhou Zixu washed the sheets and hung them out in the courtyard, he saw Lu Sihui standing in front of the car angry, and after walking over to see clearly, he sneered angrily.

"Call the police! This is a public property. If it is damaged, law enforcement will deal with it."

Lu Sihui looked around the jeep with cold eyes, there were not many footprints, and the scene was not damaged.

"I'm going to the police station. Watch out. Don't let people destroy the scene. Malicious damage to the king's supplies will be punished."

Zhou Zixu's face was gloomy, the security car dared to have its tires punctured, if this is a personal car, shouldn't the tires be stolen?
Soon he came back with the police and pointed to the cut tire and told them.

"Comrade, look, two tires have been cut off."

"Xiao Zhang surveyed the scene, took pictures and collected evidence."

The older policeman ordered the young policeman with a camera around his neck, and then looked at Zhou Zixu.

"Comrade, have you offended anyone recently? Is there anyone you suspect, please provide us with it?"

"I didn't offend anyone. We just got married yesterday. When we got home, someone tore up the happy words. I didn't care at the time. When I came out in the morning, I saw the tires of the car were punctured."

Zhou Zixu narrated it briefly. In his opinion, he and Lu Sihui just got married and lived here for a limited time. It is impossible to offend anyone?

Lu Sihui walked over and saw that the police were busy collecting evidence, so she deliberately mentioned the two women from last night.

"Comrade, we heard a woman screaming last night. We didn't pay attention at the time. Two old men said this morning that two women were found here last night. Do you think they did it?"

(End of this chapter)

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