Chapter 805

Fang Fang's family was also very anxious, and they called the doctor again. Before the doctor finished the examination, the police came to the door and took the two of their shoes as evidence.

He also asked the two of them a few questions with a serious expression. The two of them yelled that there was a ghost for a while, and said they didn't know for a while, and they didn't cooperate at all.

But Zhao Jinchen understood, the girl got into trouble again this time.

After Zhou Zixu heard what he said, his face turned blue with anger.

"Who do you think your sister is? I'm here to help her investigate the matter of Zhou Zheng beating her. She is good. She came to cut my car tires on my wedding night. Tell yourself, is it the real version of Mr. Dong Guo and the snake?" ? I shouldn't have helped her."

Zhou Zixu bombarded Zhao Jinchen like a cannonball. This Zhao Yuying is a stinky dog. Shit, it can smell like a dog.

"Zixu, I'm sorry, how much is the tire? My house is out, so don't sue her. A woman was abandoned by her husband and brought a child, and now her face is completely changed. This punishment is not small. You should take it for my sake." ,Ok?"

Zhao Jinchen looked at Zhou Zixu in frustration, he didn't want to have such a shameful younger sister, but who told him to be a brother?It doesn't matter.

"Didn't I say that your Zhao family raised such a girl? Harming others and yourself, why do you think Sihui and I offended her? Bit us and won't let go."

Zhou Zixu was so angry that he didn't look at him, and what he said was not very nice.

There was anger in the black eyes, and he couldn't let it out, and he was almost burned to death.

"It's not clear. She wants to eat you as a swan. If she can't eat you, she tries to harm me. If she doesn't harm me, she is not reconciled. Knowing that you and I are married, she comes to make things difficult."

Lu Sihui stood aside and glanced coldly at Zhao Jinchen, she wondered, where did Zhao Jinchen have such a big face, so he had the nerve to beg them?
"Sihui, I'm sorry."

Zhao Jinchen's face was full of embarrassment, being scolded by Lu Sihui like this hurt his self-esteem too much.

But who let him have such a sister!Nothing to say but an apology.

"Well, don't say sorry, if she killed me, would it be useful for you to say sorry?"

Lu Sihui interrupted him in a cold voice, what he hated the most was his pretending to be deep.

When he returned to the village for the first time, didn't he accuse himself of being unfilial in a dignified way?

There is no distinction between right and wrong, my sister is like this and she still protects her, what an idiot.

"Jin Chen, don't talk about it, she needs to learn a lesson. You are a man of iron and blood. You should know the principle that the king's supplies should not be destroyed casually. I must pursue this matter."

Zhou Zixu looked cold, he could help Jin Chen, but this is not the case, the national interest is above all else.

"Oh, forget it, pretend I'm not here."

Zhao Jinchen sighed, he had done what he had to do, and he couldn't control the rest.

After he finished speaking, he turned and left. When passing by Lu Sihui, he raised his eyes and looked at her with deep and complicated eyes, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it?
Lu Sihui looked away, unwilling to look at him, a big man, but also a man of iron and blood, not at all courageous, when encountering problems with relatives, he has no principles.

Seeing the disgust in Lu Sihui's eyes, Zhao Jinchen left sadly.

"Okay, let's report this matter back to the unit, but we have a problem that we need to clarify with you. Fang Fang and Zhao Yuying seem to have a mental problem. We are looking for a doctor to check. If they are really mentally ill, there is really nothing to do To punish them, you can only ask their families to pay you compensation."

The policeman closed the record and said to Zhou Zixu in a bit of embarrassment.

"Did you pretend? I was afraid of taking responsibility, so I pretended to be crazy and stupid."

Zhou Zixu froze for a moment, did nice people go crazy?how can that be possible?
(End of this chapter)

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