Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 811 Snow Sky 1 Color

Chapter 811

After leaving the hospital gate, Zhou Zixu breathed in the cold air to drive away the discomfort in his lungs.

"Let's go! Let's go hunting in the mountains."

Seeing the disgust in his eyes, Lu Sihui smiled like a flower.

"Okay, let's go into the mountains."

Zhou Zixu looked at her with a smile. The air in the mountains is cold and the mountains are covered with white snow. It is also a good choice to pick up under the snowy sky.

Tunnei Mountain, the backing mountain, is the training base chosen by the eldest brother, and it is also the reason why he wants to sit on the sidelines, catch the hidden villain Rose, and find the source of the radio station.

It's a pity that this villain hides very deeply. He [or she] has never been in Neishan, and it seems that he already knows about Dr. Xing's arrest.

As for who leaked the news?They still don't have a clue when it's time to connect.

"Sihui, do you know what happened when Dr. Xing was caught?"

Now that Sihui is also a member of the Falcons, Zhou Zisong has handed over the files to Zhou Zixu, and he told his team members that this is not considered a leak of secrets.


Lu Sihui looked at him with beautiful eyes, and in Zhou Zixu's eyes that were always smiling, he saw deep thought and seriousness.

"He is a lurking repeat criminal. He also has an online contact named Rose. So far, every time he contacts, he is wearing men's clothing, with his head and face fully covered, and his voice is low. It is hard to tell whether it is a man or a woman? What? The place is lurking, what they want to do is a virus, a virus that can infect the whole city and cross-infect, I heard from Doctor Xing that the semi-finished product has been handed over to that rose, although it has not been successful, it is also very dangerous."

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui and told her the seriousness of the situation.

Next, she needs to lurk. She is a villager in the backing village. It is nothing strange to appear on the mountain, and it can dispel the vigilance of the enemy.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Lu Sihui looked at him calmly, it was difficult for them, but it was easy for her.

Using the equipment in the space capsule, it is not difficult to find the hidden radio station and catch the rose.

But it also needs a direction. She learned the basics of radio at the special training base. Different transmitters have different radio waves. Maybe the ones she finds are not bad people, and there is a danger of revealing herself.

"You are also a member of the Falcons. After you officially report to the Falcons, I will send you to perform this mission. How about it? Do you want to go?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his wife. He chose her based on her achievements in the special training base. She has excellent overall quality and has performed major tasks. These are very important.

"If you give orders to me as the captain, then I agree, if you say to me as the husband."

Lu Sihui kept her mouth shut on purpose, and Zhou Zixu looked at her sideways, with nervous eyes.

Ask in a low voice.

"What about being a husband?"

Seeing his dignified look, Lu Sihui burst into a smile: "Of course I agree more, you are my man, you are in trouble, if I don't help, who will help?"

Zhou Zixu heaved a sigh of relief, rubbed her little head with a smile, and said a word fondly: "Good boy."

Lu Sihui looked at him with a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, did he say good?She was not disgusted.

If someone else said that, she must be very angry, thinking that he was playing with herself.

"The snow scene in our Northeast is really a fairyland on earth. You look at the snow-covered mountains, connected with the sky and the earth. It's so beautiful that you can't bear to destroy its tranquility."

Zhou Zixu looked at the vast white mountains in the distance, and praised him.

He felt that if he and Sihui were photographed in a red dress in this snowy sky, they would look good.

"Get out of the car! We'll destroy it right away."

(End of this chapter)

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