Chapter 816 You won

"Go to grandpa's house tomorrow, okay?"

Throwing the elk into the trunk, Zhou Zixu grabbed his wife's arm and blocked her at the car door, his eyes revealing the information he wanted.

Lie Yiyan was steaming in his eyes, tonight he was going to break last night's record.

Lu Sihui looked at his handsome facial features, deep contours, dark and deep icy eyes, arrogant and unrestrained, evil, charming and alluring.

"No, Jianguo is still at Grandpa's house!"

Look away, she doesn't want to have a field training with him, she will freeze to death in this heavy snow.

"alright, you win."

Zhou Zixu had no choice but to let her go. She didn't cherish such a good opportunity or such a romantic moment.

Seeing the disappointment in Zixu's eyes, Lu Sihui felt distressed, stood on tiptoe, held his frozen face, pouted, and kept her mouth shut.

A narrow look flashed across Zhou Zixu's eyes, and he knew that Sihui couldn't bear to part with her.

A man who acts like a baby is invincible
After exercising for a while, Lu Sihui realized that she had been fooled. His slap was so violent that she couldn't resist it.

"go home!"

Grabbing his dishonest hands and pushing them down from behind her, even though it was a remote mountain forest and there were no people around, she still felt uneasy and weird.

"All right!"

Zhou Zixu reluctantly pecked at her hair, and suddenly remembered something exciting.

"Sihui, I found a cave on the mountain, and the footprints looked like wild boars. If you hadn't called me just now, I would have brought a wild boar down now. I'll come back tomorrow if I have a chance. I finally found it."

Lu Sihui twitched the corner of her mouth, how arrogant is this?If I hadn't called him today, he would have become a nameless corpse in this deep mountain forest, torn to pieces and bitten by wild boars so that he couldn't see his true colors.

"Go home! It's better not to touch wild boars in winter, they are very ferocious, and this elk is enough to eat for a while."

She directly turned to the co-pilot's seat, the smile on Zhou Zixu's face disappeared, and she shrugged, thinking that she would be eager to try Sihui after she said it, but this reaction was too unexpected.

"Alright, go home."

On the way back, Lu Sihui was obviously a little tired. She leaned her head on the back of the chair and slept soundly.

Zhou Zixu drove the car very steadily, but last night he tossed a little harder, her new body was unbearable, so tonight he should restrain himself and let her have a good rest.

He parked the car on the side of the road, took off his overcoat, and gently covered her body. Seeing her crimson little mouth, he licked Chun, and resisted the thought of kissing her.

Start the engine and drive steadily towards the family building.

When we drove back to the family building, most of the setting sun had dispersed, and the moon, which was curved like a sickle, rose into the sky early, and complemented each other with the sunset glow.

Zhou Zixu parked the car in front of his house, looked dotingly at Sihui who was still sleeping soundly, didn't want to call her, and gently opened the car door.

The slight sound of the car door startled the sleeping Sihui, her curled eyelashes opened, and her clear and beautiful eyes looked out the car window.

"Are you here?"

After seeing the familiar house in front of her clearly, she smiled at Zhou Zixufuer, knowing that he was reluctant to call her, which warmed her heart.

"It's here, you go into the house first, and I will unload the elk."

Zhou Zixu rubbed her hair with a smile, his sleeping face was flushed, and there was a little confusion in his eyes. She who is so cute is really
Mrs. - so cute.
"Okay, put on your coat."

Lu Sihui handed him the overcoat she was wearing, no wonder she fell asleep, she felt that she was in his arms, the familiar smell reassured her.

Zhou Zixu's black eyes were like a paint smile 1 Mimi looked at Lu Sihui, and asked a mischievous question.

"Tell me, would grandpa guess that we're coming back?"

(End of this chapter)

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