Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 818 The Pit My Brother Digged For Him

Chapter 818 The Pit My Brother Digged For Him

Zhou Zixu sighed before saying anything: "Oh, brother, Sihui and I want to grab some wild game today to honor grandpa and dad. By the way, I will also give it to you and Dongsheng to eat, but when I was catching elk, I sprained my wrist. Just now I got out of the car and got hurt again, so I can't do the job of peeling and dividing, so what should I do?"

After Zhou Zixu finished speaking, he stared at his elder brother with bright black eyes, the meaning was very clear, but he didn't know what to say.

Zhou Zisong put his hands behind his back, looked at his younger brother with a stern expression, his words were pitiful, and his eyes looked like that.

But he knew that this was the hole his younger brother dug for him, so it was no wonder he could jump.

"so what?"

Asked indifferently, let's see how he answers.

"So, big brother, can you extend your helping hand, let's honor grandpa and father together."

Zhou Zixu secretly slandered, big brother is really not easy to fool, so he gritted his teeth and continued, if you don't go, you will be disrespectful.

"Zisong, you go! Zixu hurt his wrist, and Xiaosu can't fix it."

Mr. Zhou, who was arranging the chess pieces over there, heard the conversation between the two brothers, and raised his head to give orders to the eldest grandson.

Zixu brought the elk back, so he just worked hard to skin it, so what's the matter if he died of exhaustion?


Zhou Zisong agreed with a frown, and gave Zhou Zixu a cold look, brat, you are really cunning.

Zhou Zixu returned an innocent smile, blinking at him, with thick eyelashes that even women would envy.

Zhou Zisong walked to the hanger with a cold face, took off the cotton coat, and took the basin and kitchen knife that Aunt Su handed him.

"This knife won't work, I have a dagger here."

He glanced at the kitchen knife in disgust. The blade was so thick that it was not easy to peel it.

Zhou Zixu smiled and moved to the sofa, watching his grandfather and Sihui play chess, the complacency in his eyes was seen by Lu Sihui, and he shook his head amusedly.

Anyone who offends Zixu, sooner or later he has to clean up.

Zhou Baichuan didn't go upstairs, just sat on the sofa and watched his daughter-in-law and father play chess, and suddenly found that this kind of warm life was not bad.

Dong Sheng snuggled up to Lu Sihui's side, like a chatterbox, Aunt Sihui's name became Auntie.

Lu Jianguo was very afraid of Zhou Baichuan and Zhou Zisong, and only dared to come out of the house when he saw his sister coming.

But seeing Zhou Baichuan was there, he shrank his hands and feet and dared not approach him.

"Jianguo, why didn't I see it all day, and forgot about my sister and brother-in-law?"

Zhou Zixu glanced at him and waved at him.

Sometimes he wondered, were Sihui and Lu Jianguo born by the same mother?There are too many bad characters.

"Brother-in-law, sister."

Lu Jianguo heard his brother-in-law calling him, so he came over and called out.

"Go home with my sister tonight."

Lu Sihui saw her younger brother's timid look, and knew that he didn't like this side, so she said to take him away.

Zhou Zixu shrugged his brows, just go back!

"I'm going to see my brother."

Zhou Zixu saw that he couldn't finish playing the chess for a while, so he stood up and went out.

But after he finished speaking, he found that no one looked at him, as if he didn't hear him.

It was completely ignored.

"Jianguo, let's go together, we have meat tonight."

He took Lu Jianguo away, and he needed a little helper for the next thing to do.

I found Aunt Su, asked for a small cushion, went to pick up an ax and a box of iron nails, and then took Jianguo out.

With so many movements, no one in the room paid attention to him.

Zhou Baichuan focused all his attention on the chess played by his daughter-in-law, and found that her layout was good, she took one step and thought about five moves, played steadily and calmly, and was able to hold her breath.

After she made some arrangements, there was basically no suspense about the outcome of this game of chess.

Outside the house, Zhou Zixu swayed to his elder brother, looking like a supervisor: "Brother, your speed is really slow."

(End of this chapter)

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