Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 832 Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow

Chapter 832 Returning to the Heart Like an Arrow
"it is good."

With tears in his eyes, Zhao Jinchen nodded heavily.

This return to the team was the most intimate order among comrades when they went out to perform dangerous missions.


Seeing the color of water in his eyes, Zhou Zixu's Adam's apple rolled, his throat seemed to be choked, he dropped two deserted monosyllables, turned around suddenly, and strode away.

There was fog in front of Zhao Jinchen's eyes, Zhou Zixu's tall figure gradually receded, and his heart became more and more empty.

He didn't want to leave his unit or his friends. He hoped to be with them forever, standing side by side. Even if he died on the field, it would be better than such a mediocre life.

Zhou Zixu drove the car towards home, half of the glass on the driver's side was shaken down by him, and the howling north wind broke in with snowflakes, bringing a bone-chilling chill.

But even the cold wind couldn't extinguish the fire in Zhou Zixu's heart. He felt sorry for Zhao Jinchen. Why did Zhao Yuying commit suicide by herself and their family should accompany her to be punished?

It was almost two hours since Lu Sihui walked out of the house, and Zixu hadn't come back yet, she was worried that something might happen to him.

She now knows what it feels like to be worried, and she is really restless. She can no longer stay at home and wait for him.

It was only after she got out of the courtyard that she remembered her space capsule, so she couldn't look for it blindly.

It would be very troublesome to disappear out of thin air in the courtyard in case someone finds out, so she went directly to the warehouse.

"Look where Zixu is?"

She gave an order to the robot, and there were instruments to search, all she had to do was stare at it.

"Driving just out of the hospital."

The robot used a stealth unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and quickly reported the results to Lu Sihui.

After learning the exact direction of Zhou Zixu, Lu Sihui stepped out of the space capsule. She didn't want to wait for him at home.

I haven't had a good running training these days, so I just went to pick him up.

Zhou Zixu was driving home, but he stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom. He wanted to return to Sihui quickly. What happened to Zhao Jinchen made him very depressed.

The road was slippery in the snow, and the wheels of the car swayed back and forth again. He had to slow down, but he felt like returning home.

From a distance, seeing a black figure running fast, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

In the middle of the night, it was freezing cold, and I went out for a run, except for the madman, who was in a hurry.

"It's Sihui."

The light from the headlights went far away, and the black shadow became clearer and clearer. When Zhou Zixu saw that it was Lu Sihui, his black eyes lit up immediately. He parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and flew towards Sihui. run over.


Lu Sihui waved to him with a smile, and finally received him, feeling inexplicably happy in her heart.


Zhou Zixu took a big step, ran towards her with open arms, Lu Sihui cooperated well, put his arms around his neck, and jumped into his arms.

The two of them have a cold aura, and when they stand together, they are like a ball of fire, which can melt this icy night.

"I miss you."

There was a contented smile on the corner of Lu Sihui's mouth, she was very happy that she could receive Zixu.

"I miss you more."

Zhou Zixu spoke in a low voice, as if whispering, and Bo Chun couldn't wait to hug the little woman in his arms.

Lu Sihui raised her head and looked at Zhou Zixu's eyes with something wrong. His expression was wilder than usual, and it was the feeling of fear of losing.

She silently endured his stormy booing, holding his strong neck with both hands, waiting for him to tell, what happened to him today?
After a long time, the anger in Zhou Zixu's heart gradually disappeared under her gentle treatment. He lowered his head and held her small face, looking at her with attachment. He couldn't get enough of it in his whole life.

"Okay, can you tell me what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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