Chapter 834
Scratching his head irritably, he felt that even in that situation, Zhao Jinchen would go home to help his parents, who called him a dutiful son.

"We also have potential agents, don't we?"

Lu Sihui suddenly said, these are what the instructor said at the special training base. If you perform the mission, you may make up all kinds of people. Try to be like a real commoner.

"You said it really does exist, so I'll apply for him."

Zhou Zixu's eyes lit up. Rose hadn't been caught yet. The inner mountains of Kaoshantun needed someone to investigate for a long time. Jin Chen was from Kaoshantun, and he knew the terrain there best.

He can tell at a glance whether it is a villager or an outsider who enters the mountain, so that his discipline can be preserved and he can investigate quietly.

"Sihui, you are really my lucky star."

Zhou Zixu hugged his daughter-in-law happily, kissed her hard on the forehead, and praised her excitedly.

"Go to sleep!"

Lu Sihui looked at him and smiled softly.

"Well, sleep."

Zhou Zixu lay on the bed with his pillow in his arms, looked at her silently, and warmed her with his eyes.

After returning home in three days, Lu Sihui didn't have her natal family at all, so she and Zhou Zixu went back to her grandfather's house together.

As soon as they met, Mr. Zhou dragged her to ask about No.12's situation. Lu Sihui could only tell her grandpa what she knew about No.12's training.

"So, this child is also able to endure hardship?"

The more Mr. Zhou heard it, the more he felt that this girl was good, and he and Sihui were comrades, so naturally they would not be awkward as sisters-in-law in the future.

"Grandpa, you are the only one who is in a hurry. My elder brother doesn't seem to want to look for him at all."

Zhou Zixu sat on the armrest of the sofa next to Sihui, and in front of his grandfather, he still generously put his arms around his wife's shoulders.

They really have to stick together all the time, Mr. Zhou glared at him: "A full man doesn't know a hungry man, your elder brother should have a wife."

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows thickly. The emperor is not in a hurry with eunuchs in this kind of matter. Does grandpa love to worry too much?

"Sihui, didn't this brat bully you? If he dares to make you unhappy in the future, you can tell grandpa and I'll take care of him."

Seeing his grandson's foolishness, Mr. Zhou gave him an annoyed look, and when he looked at Sihui, he returned to his grandfather's kindness.

"Grandpa, why do I think Sihui is your granddaughter, and I picked it up?"

Zhou Zixu raised his hand in protest, he had heard grandfather's elbowing out not once.

"Uncle, take me to play with the sledge."

Dong Sheng leaned over and looked at Zhou Zixu flatteringly. Ever since he got this toy, he has become the envy of the children in the compound.

Everyone rushed to play with him, and no one called him a bastard anymore.

"Okay! Let's go."

Zhou Zixu grabbed Dongsheng's little padded jacket, helped him put it on patiently, and took him by the hand to go out to play.

Lu Sihui looked at them with a smile. If she and Zixu had a child, Zixu would be more patient and he must be a good father, unlike Zhou Zisong who was also cold to the child.

"Sihui, thank you, Grandpa."

Old Master Zhou spoke suddenly, and Lu Sihui looked back at Zhou Zixu, looking at him puzzled.

"Grandpa, haven't I introduced my eldest brother yet? Why are you in such a hurry to thank me?"

Mr. Zhou put the chess pieces on the chessboard with a smile, took the tea tray from Aunt Su, poured a cup of hot tea for Lu Sihui himself, and handed it to her.

Lu Sihui hurriedly stood up, took the teacup with both hands, and thanked him with a smile: "Thank you, Grandpa."

Holding the teacup without drinking, she quietly waited for Grandpa to continue.

(End of this chapter)

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