Chapter 836

Mr. Zhou finally waited until she asked, sat up straight happily, and pushed the chessboard aside. He didn't really play chess in the first place, it was simply because he was drunk.


Lu Sihui nodded with a smile, she was curious now, what was it that made it so difficult for the old man to speak.

"That's right, Zisong has an eldest son on his account, and Dongsheng is always scolded by the children as a bastard. You know the pressure on children. I just want to ask you to ask NO.12 to see if she can accept it." Children? If you can accept it, let her have more contact with children, you understand what I mean?"

Mr. Zhou finished speaking in one breath, it wasn't that he disliked his eldest grandson, the cold ice cube, which girl would not be afraid of him?
Adding a son makes it even more difficult to find a wife.

"This matter? Okay, let me ask?"

Lu Sihui let out a sigh of relief. She thought Grandpa was going to transfer Dongsheng to her and Zixu's household registration?
Just after getting married, she had a five-year-old son, which was a bit unacceptable to her.

"That's fine, grandpa is waiting for your news!"

The old man smiled brightly. This time, playing chess is invincible. It's all about attacking, not defending.

Lu Sihui also gave in to him, eating up all his chess pieces in no time.

What I was thinking in my heart was how to talk to No.12. She was a big girl from the south, and she always felt that Zhou Zisong was not good enough for her.

Zhou Zisong was watching the training plan in the regiment, and suddenly sneezed several times.

"Do you have a cold?"

The waiter handed him a towel and asked a question with concern.

"No, you send these plans to the small captains of each team, call the three captains, and we will have a meeting."

He gave an order to the orderly and threw him the training plan in his hand.


The service comrade promised to leave, Zhou Zisong watched him go out, and walked to the window by himself, thinking of the forced marriage at home, he was upset for a while.

No. 12, he seems to have a little impression that when Zixu got married, she was a bridesmaid.

It's just that his attention was all on his younger brother at that time, and he didn't pay much attention at all.

Now even if I try my best, I can't think of it, I just remember that she has the same short hair as Lu Sihui.

He likes long-haired women and has no feelings for short-haired women.

Take out the cigarette and light it, take a deep breath, and let it out slowly, letting the smoke surround you.

Zhou Zixu played with his nephew for a while, saw his little face turned red from the cold, knelt down to put the hat on tightly for him, and stretched out his big hand to cover his ears.
"Is it cold? Come in!"

"No, I have to play for a while."

Dong Sheng looked around with big eyes. Zhou Zixu had been paying attention to him for a long time. He said he was out to play, but he was narrow-minded but didn't know what he was thinking?
"Do you have something to hide from my uncle?"

Zhou Zixu pinched his little nose and asked him a question with a smile.

"They're coming."

Zhou Dongsheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stretched out his little hand excitedly, pointing at several children running towards him, including the brat who bullied him before.

"Zhou Dongsheng, take us to play together!"

These children have surrounded Zhou Dongsheng since the beginning, smiling at him flatteringly and coaxing him.

"No, my uncle made it for me. You guys want to play and let your uncle do it at home."

Dong Sheng folded his arms, raised his chin arrogantly, and said to them proudly.

"Dongsheng, I'll bring you some candy. The white rabbit toffee is so sweet. Let me play with it for a while?"

"Dongsheng, I've brought you candy too."

"I got you peanuts, let's play for a while!"

The more Zhou Zixu looked at the situation, the more wrong it became, and he lifted Dong Sheng's arm seriously: "Come home with me."

(End of this chapter)

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