Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 857 Disguised Investigation

Chapter 857 Disguised Investigation
The patient who had been lying quietly on the next bed suddenly called to stop the doctor.

The doctor in a white coat stopped, his body seemed to be stiff.

He didn't look back, and asked a blunt question.

"what's up?"

"My stomach hurts, can you help me?"

The patient clutched his stomach in pain, watching him and begging.

"It's nothing serious. Let the nurse give you a painkiller injection later."

The doctor came to him with a frown, just listened casually with a stethoscope, dropped a sentence, turned and left.

The ward is very quiet and the patient is very honest
After the doctor left the ward, he looked around cautiously, then hurried downstairs with his head down.

When passing by Zhao Yuying's ward, he glanced inside and saw that there was still a dispute, and no one paid attention to his arrival and departure.

Fang Fang's mother begged the old couple hard, but in the end she succeeded, and the old man relented and agreed to change the ward.

She asked the nurse to find her a push bed, and forced Zhao Jinchen to help. It took a long time to finish the work.

In the quiet ward, there was an old couple.

It's just that the old man refused to lie on the hospital bed, preferring to sit on the stool.

Zhao Jinchen walked over, looked down at him, frowned and asked him in secret words.

"Have a mission?"

"Yes, you have to cooperate."

A flash of sharpness flashed in the old man's eyes, and he returned to his old-fashioned appearance in an instant.

Zhao Jinchen glanced at the old lady standing next to the old man again. She didn't look at him, but just focused on looking outside the door.

Following her gaze, she found a white figure walking downstairs in a hurry.

Unlike the calmness of ordinary doctors, he looked flustered.

As soon as he thought about it, he wanted to follow up and ask.

"Do not move."

The old lady grabbed him, Zhao Jinchen was startled, and secretly thought that he was careless, wearing a uniform, didn't he startle the snake?

"My wife! I want to go home to sleep tonight, this room is smelly."

The old man sitting on the stool suddenly spoke, his old voice was harsh like the rubbing of dead tree bark.

"Okay, okay, let's go home."

The old lady seemed very accommodating to the old man, she walked over to help him tremblingly, speaking in a tone as if she was coaxing a child.

Zhao Jinchen looked at the old man with complex eyes, and it became like this. The old lady looked at him with eyes full of love.

The other patients in the ward were extremely sleepy. They were tortured by Zhao Yuying and Fang Fang's magic voice for several days, and they learned the ability to fall asleep when they closed their eyes.

They couldn't hear the sound of talking and walking at all.

After the doctor went downstairs, he quickly went to the bathroom. After a while, a middle-aged man with a beard and a blue overalls walked out of it.

After walking out of the bathroom, he glanced around vigilantly. Seeing that there was no one in the corridor, he quickly walked to the gate of the hospital. After walking out of the gate, after walking a few steps, he suddenly squatted on the ground to tie his shoelaces.

He glanced behind him secretly, and left in a hurry after confirming that there was nothing abnormal.

As soon as he left, a pair of elderly people supporting each other walked out of the hospital. Seeing the figure disappearing like a ghost in the night, they looked at each other and staggered away.

Zhao Jinchen stood in front of the window and watched their figures disappear.
"Hi, do you have boiling water?"

A familiar voice came from behind, Zhao Jinchen turned his head quietly, and looked at the old lady who entered the ward with deep eyes.

She has gray hair all over her head, a pair of reading glasses on the bridge of her nose, her face is wrinkled, and she is wearing a dark gray plaid coat, baggy trousers, and hand-stitched cloth shoes.

"No, but I can get you some hot water."

(End of this chapter)

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