Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 865 Always feel that something is wrong

Chapter 865 Always feel that something is wrong
"Don't bother, just this box! There is no time to delay."

Zhou Zixu lowered his face coldly, and reached out to grab the box in her hand.

Deputy Director Wang took two steps back, quickly dodged Zhou Zixu, and even carried the box behind his back.

"No trouble, I'll just take someone there, you can drink tea in this room and wait for a while, it will be ready soon."

The speed of her speech was so flustered that even the director felt that something was wrong and frowned at her.

"Deputy Director Wang, Section Chief Zhou wants to be tested, so just give him the vaccine!"

The director has a good idea in his heart. These vaccines have been randomly checked, and they are all normal. I don't understand why she is panicking?
"That's right. I forgot to put this box of vaccine back into the cold storage. I'm going to destroy it, so I can't let Section Chief Zhou check it."

Deputy Director Wang forced a smile, and his voice was a little dry. He forgot to put the vaccine back into the cold storage. This is a major responsibility and he will be punished with a warning.

But compared with the real situation, this punishment is nothing?

"Why are you so careless?"

The director was obviously very angry, but in front of Zhou Zixu, he just taught him a lesson. After all, they are old comrades, so he still didn't want to embarrass Deputy Director Wang too much.

"This is a big deal. I forgot to put the vaccine back into the cold storage? If this broken vaccine is given to someone, it will kill someone. You are dereliction of duty. As a vaccine worker, how can you make such a mistake?"

Zhou Zixu glared at Deputy Director Wang seriously, with an aggressive tone, obviously not wanting to let her go just like that.

"Yes, I was wrong, I must pay attention next time, and I am willing to accept punishment from the leader."

Deputy Director Wang bowed his head and admitted his mistake, with a very good attitude.

Zhou Zixu walked around the room with his hands behind his back. Deputy Director Wang looked at him nervously, always feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong?
In the end, I realized that it was Zhou Zixu's eyes, which were too fierce. When he stared at him like this, it felt like a mountain was pressing towards him, and he didn't dare to take a deep breath.

Zhou Zixu's temperament is not like that of a person in an office, but rather like a person in a work unit, with the kind of aura that makes people dare not compete with him.

With her hands behind her back, she subconsciously grasped the box, her eyes rolled around, trying to find an excuse to leave quickly.

"I know I was wrong about that. I will destroy this vaccine immediately, and it will never be mixed with good vaccines."

After she finished speaking, she wanted to walk out the door. Zhou Zixu looked at her quietly and refused to move away from the door. Deputy Director Wang wanted to squeeze past him.

"Wait a moment."

Zhou Zixu snatched the box from her hand with lightning speed when she turned sideways and wanted to pass by him.

"This is evidence, you can't destroy it, I will report this matter to the leader, you just wait for serious punishment!"

Deputy Director Wang's face was ashen, forgetting about his identity, he stretched out his hand to fight with him.

"These are all invalid vaccines, and I was going to take them to be destroyed. I accept the punishment, and I will be punished as I like."

Her range of movements was very large, desperately snatching, but Zhou Zixu was too tall, and he held the box so high that she couldn't reach it even if she stood on tiptoe.

Cold sweat trickled down her cheeks, and her eyes became more frightened. When she saw the playfulness in Zhou Zixu's eyes, she felt a faint premonition in her heart.

Looking at the director for help: "Director, please help me to beg for mercy!"

The director looked at Zhou Zixu in embarrassment: "Well, Section Chief Zhou, can you see it for the sake of Deputy Director Wang's serious and responsible work over the years? Give me a chance?"

(End of this chapter)

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