Chapter 874

"What? Did your leaders go to a meeting?"

Zhou Zixu yelled at the attendant, his voice was so loud that his ears were deafened, the attendant flinched in fright, and nodded timidly: "Yes, he has gone to a meeting."

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

Zhou Zixu was circling around in the room angrily. They were all leaders. If it was a meeting in the ministry, it was impossible for him not to know.

"It was in the afternoon. He answered the phone and left. Let me tell you, he went to a meeting."


Zhou Zixu slapped the table angrily, which was clearly a way to let his pigeons go.

The servants were frightened into silence by him, and Zhou Zixu, who was furious, was full of evil spirits, which was also very scary.

"Hmph, good Zhou Zisong, let me see how you explain to grandpa? Movie tickets, I'll take my daughter-in-law to watch."

Zhou Zixu threw down a sentence, and left in a huff, the servant looked confused.

The captain's words just now seemed to reveal a little bit of information. Could it be that their director is going to fall in love?This is great news.

He jumped up excitedly in the room, but in a blink of an eye he was frowning again, the director seemed to have missed the opportunity.

Zhou Zixu returned to his office and sent someone to call Lu Sihui to the office.

Lu Sihui is talking to NO.12!The main thing was not that she talked to NO.12, but that she asked Zhou Zisong what he liked?Dislike what?
What do you like to eat?What do you not like to eat?
Chatting endlessly, saying that she is one head and two big, how does she know so much?

Until now, she knew that Zhou Zisong was Zhou Zixu's eldest brother, he was unsmiling, cold and unlovable, what to eat?Like eating everything?
Zhou Zixu sent someone to look for her, tantamount to giving her a relief, he threw a sentence at NO.12, and strode away.


Outside the office door, the orderly saluted the door.


Zhou Zixu's voice came from the room, there was only one word, and the voice was a bit cold.

Lu Sihui frowned, was she in a bad mood?

The servant pushed the door, Lu Sihui nodded to him, walked into the office, and saluted Zhou Zixu: "Report."

"Close the door."

Zhou Zixu first looked at the servant and gave an order.


The servant closed the door and left, and there were only two couples left in the room. Lu Sihui stood there straight and loose, with a standard standing posture, which did not change because there were only the couple in the room.

"Sihui, sit down!"

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was still standing, Zhou Zixu walked around the table and walked to her, took her hand and sat down on the chair.

"You seem angry?"

Lu Sihui knew that he was in a bad mood when he saw his frowning brows, otherwise, when he saw her, he would always have a bright smile on his face.

"Yes, brother broke his promise."

Zhou Zixu couldn't get rid of his anger. He hated the person who broke his promise the most. This person was still his elder brother. How could he not be angry?
"Why? I've already made an agreement with NO.12, how can he change temporarily?"

After hearing this, Lu Sihui was also very angry. No. 12 over there had a look of longing, excitedly looking forward to meeting Zhou Zisong, what did she say to her?
"He said to have a meeting? It's just rhetoric. I'm the captain and he's on the same level. If there's a meeting, how could I not know?"

Zhou Zixu got angry when he said it, and slapped the table hard. Grandpa is still looking forward to it!
The eldest brother broke his promise here, and the original appointment was naturally cancelled. When he returned home, his grandfather would still ask himself, how should he tell the old man?

"Will there really be a meeting, because it has nothing to do with you, so you are not allowed to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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