Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 879 You Are The Fog Formation

Chapter 879 You Are The Fog Formation

Lu Jianguo greeted him happily, with a bright smile on his face.

"small thing."

Zhou Zixu rubbed his head and said something with a smile, his dark eyes were still staring at his wife.

There was a spot on her face, she walked over, stretched out her big hand, Lu Sihui turned her head aside, and gave him a reproachful look.

My brother is still here!He would use his hands and feet, and he was not afraid to teach Jianguo badly.

"You have a face."

Zhou Zixu's smile deepened. With his daughter-in-law's appearance, she looked as if she was afraid that she would eat him.

"I'll wipe it myself, you go wash and have a rest!"

Lu Sihui raised her arm, wiped her face with her sleeve, and kindly asked Zhou Zixu to rest.

"It's wrong, let me do it!"

Under Lu Sihui's stare, Zhou Zixu patted her little face without fear of death.

A satisfied smile piled on his face, he raised his eyebrows at Lu Sihui, and with a quick glance, he flirted with his wife again.

Lu Sihui glared at him, ignored him, and continued to work with her head down.

The flower rolls are all ready, open the lid of the pot, put the cover curtain, and place the flower rolls one by one, and the hot steam surrounds the three of them.

"Sihui, you are a mist formation, and Jianguo and I got lost."

Zhou Zixu joked with her, but Lu Sihui ignored him and put the lid on the pot, so the steam in the room was much less.

"I'm so hungry, when can I eat?"

The delicacy was right in front of him, the aroma was tangy, and Zhou Zixu's stomach began to growl.

"15 minutes, wash your hands and go."

Lu Sihui pointed to the washbasin, and Lu Jianguo hurried over, poured out the dirty water after washing his hands, and poured a basin of clean water for his brother-in-law.

"Brother-in-law, wash your hands."

Zhou Zixu smiled at him with satisfaction, this little brother-in-law is good, he knows how to respect the old and love the young.

After washing his hands, Zhou Zixu refused to enter the house, and just walked around beside his wife, like a follower.

"Why do you always follow me?"

Finally, Lu Sihui couldn't bear it anymore and glared at him.

"I want to tell you about my eldest brother, but you don't ask, I'm in a hurry."

Zhou Zixu's words made Lu Sihui dumbfounded, she didn't care about Zhou Zisong!

"I don't have time for him."

Lu Sihui went over to wash her hands, but she didn't dislike Zhou Zixu, water is in short supply in the last days!
"We can't see each other for ten days. We will have a meeting tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, my eldest brother will take the unit to the field for training."

Seeing that she didn't ask, Zhou Zixu simply said it by himself.

"Field training?"

When Lu Sihui heard these words, she raised her head and looked at Zhou Zixu with sparkling eyes.

"Yes! Why are you interested?"

Zhou Zixu laughed, thinking he couldn't attract his wife's attention!
"The falcons should go out for a field training. I haven't been there in winter yet!"

Lu Sihui looked at him with a smile, and she said it, I believe Zixu must understand.

"It's a good idea, and the feelings generated during the training are also quite good. It's not awkward to meet like this."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly. If his brother-in-law hadn't been watching, he would have gone over to hug his daughter-in-law and give her a good kiss.

"Set the table and prepare to eat."

Seeing that he understood, Lu Sihui waved her hand with a smile and directed her younger brother to put the tables, chairs, dishes and chopsticks on the table.

The meal was delicious. Rabbit meat and pheasant were stewed together. It was dry and there was no soup, and the taste went into the meat.

Zhou Zixu ate four rolls, Lu Jianguo ate no less than him, Lu Sihui only ate one, and did not move the rest.

Who made her family have two big belly men?

"I do the dishes."

After dinner, Lu Jianguo scrambled to clear the table, while Zhou Zixu took his wife back to the house. The winter night was too cold, so they should keep each other warm.
(End of this chapter)

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