Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 900 What Good News

Chapter 900 What Good News
The mysterious appearance aroused Lu Sihui's interest: "What good news?"

She lowered her voice and asked, thinking it was a matter of the unit, and he thought of a good work plan again!
"We're going to have a quilt tonight."

Zhou Zixu smiled triumphantly, as if he got a baby.


Lu Sihui looked at him speechlessly, what kind of good news is this, is he serious?It's so cold in the house, it's okay to cover one person with a single quilt, but it's okay to cover one person with two people, and let the wind blow through everywhere to freeze to death.

"Why don't you talk, I can help you warm up, aren't you happy?"

Zhou Zixu's dark eyes were like lacquer, and love was beating in his eyes. Lu Sihui heard what he said, blushed a little and looked away, so she didn't want to admit that she was tempted by his proposal.

He is like a big furnace, hiding in it is like passing through the ice and snow into the warm spring.

Also, his heartbeat, that is the best lullaby, listening to his strong and powerful heartbeat, let's sleep more peacefully.

Zhou Zixu threw two more pieces of tree roots into the stove, and the flames burned even higher, and the red flames shone in his eyes.

He boiled a large pot of hot water and saw Lu Sihui washing her face from the side. He poured some into her washbasin, and poured the rest into the footbath. He still wanted to wash his feet with his wife in his arms. Just be happy.

Last time, Sihui just raised her hands in surrender, but this time, he still hoped that she would take the initiative.

After Lu Sihui washed her face and brushed her teeth with a toothbrush, she turned around and saw Zhou Zixu pursing her lips and giggling, so she knew he hadn't made up her mind.

Withdrawing his eyes indifferently, what will stop him, water will flood the earth, who is afraid of such a thing?

She went back to the room first, and wiped the cream on the dressing table. Because Zixu was always by her side, she couldn't even enter the space capsule for light wave facials, and her skin felt that it was not as smooth as before.

"Don't rub it, I don't like to see a mouthful of cream."

Zhou Zixu came over with a towel, and aggressively wiped off the cream that Lu Sihui had just applied on his face. Isn't there a saying that I like the natural beauty of a daughter-in-law the most?Natural to carve.


Lu Sihui rolled her eyes and rolled her eyes at him, but obediently, she didn't wipe it again, and put away the cream and put it in the drawer.

"have a look."

Zhou Zixu was stared at by her, but he didn't care. The corner of his mouth was upturned and he smiled.

Lu Sihui was originally not as tall as him, but when he held her waist and looked at her face to face, her feet were off the ground, and the load was all on her waist. She felt very uncomfortable, and tried hard to break his hands away from his clutches.

"Bad stuff."

Zhou Zixu curled his lips into a smile, and directly hugged Lu Sihui, looking at his woman mischievously with his dark eyes, owning her was like owning the whole world.

"It's so heavy, are you a pig?"

Lu Sihui glared at him angrily, and stretched out her hands to push him away, but how could Zhou Zixu be so easy to deal with?
Grabbing her hands directly and binding them on Lu Sihui's head, Zhou Zixu had a sly smile on his lips, his wife is so beautiful.

Lu Sihui squinted her eyes and smirked, jumped up and looked at Zhou Zixu with a blank expression on her face, obviously didn't expect her to run away suddenly?
Seeing his appearance, Lu Sihui looked at her with such innocent eyes, she couldn't help squatting on the ground covering her stomach and laughing

Zhou Zixu looked at her aggrieved, where did this little scoundrel learn his bad tricks?
Well - punish her well.
(End of this chapter)

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