Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 903 Why Didn't Make a Move?

Chapter 903 Why Didn't Make a Move?

On the way, Zhou Zixu suddenly looked at his wife and asked a question.

"I don't know, I guess it's enough."

Lu Sihui shook her head, the elder brother was too cold, he didn't say a word, No.12 is a pot of fire, and he will extinguish it.

"Oh, grandpa, I'm afraid the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Zhou Zixu sighed, he also felt that it was over.

"Look, is that NO.12?"

In the distance, there is a green figure moving, Xue Ke is too deep, she walks very hard.

They are all comrades in the same dormitory, so familiar with her back, Lu Sihui recognized her at a glance.

"It's her, what did you do so early?"

Zhou Zixu put his foot on the accelerator, and drove the car to a stop beside No.12.

"NO.12, get in the car."

Lu Sihui pushed open the car door and shouted at her.

The north wind howled, and the petite body of NO.12 was almost blown away by the wind.

"Great, I thought I was going to be late!"

No.12 saw them, smiled, took off the cotton hand covering, and rubbed his hands vigorously, his hands and feet were numb from the cold.

The weather in the northeast is much colder than that in the south, and she, a southerner, can't stand it.

"Get in the car!"

Lu Sihui helped her open the back door, and NO.12 got in the car after thanking her.

"What have you been doing?"

Lu Sihui frowned and asked her, her face was flushed from the cold, why did she run out when she wasn't in the unit so early in the morning?

"I promised Dongsheng last night that I would send him to kindergarten."

NO.12 put a pair of small hands to his mouth and laughed, and it took a long time to feel the sensation in his hands, and answered Lu Sihui's words with a smile.

"That little thing."

Lu Sihui smiled, and really wanted to ask, did Dongsheng call her mother in front of her classmates?

But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem very good to ask this question.

After all, NO.12 is still a big girl with a thin skin.

"Is Dongsheng naughty?"

Zhou Zixu asked, he knew his little nephew's tricks, so he insisted not to allow Lu Sihui to send him to the kindergarten class.

"No, he is very obedient."

NO.12 replied with a smile, Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu looked at each other, wondering why that little thing didn't make a move?

"Did you meet Dongsheng's classmates?"

Zhou Zixu asked with a smile, looking at No.12 on the back seat from the inside mirror, wanting to see if she looks embarrassed?

"No, we went early, and we didn't meet any of our classmates."

NO.12 replied honestly, her eyes were a little dim, she didn't meet Zhou Zisong in the morning, but she saw his car still parked in the courtyard, and his shoes were still on the floor in the hallway.

But even though she was at his house, she still went to send Dongsheng to school, and he didn't even come out to look at her?
She was very lonely, as if she was thrown from the sky, the sense of gap made her feel depressed.

"is it?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law, presumably Dongsheng must be very disappointed, and the little trick was not used.


NO.12 lowered her head, and Lu Sihui looked back at her, seeing the disappointment in her eyes.

"I've arrived at the unit, and I'm going to go to the mountain for training today."

Lu Sihui changed the subject, Zhou Zixu stopped talking, and drove into the unit's courtyard.

"You two get off here!"

Zhou Zixu parked the car at the door and asked them to get out of the car.

"Let's go!"

Watching him drive the car away, Lu Sihui saluted the guard and then greeted NO.12 who was in a daze.


NO.12 forced a smile and followed her to the training ground.

"Are you in a bad mood? What did my brother tell you last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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