Chapter 905

The uniform footsteps sounded on the training ground without any noise, and the friends had already trained with great proficiency.


When Zhou Zixu reached the front of the unit, Vice Captain Tang shouted again.



The friends neatly raised their hands to salute, and the loud voice sounded on the training ground, startling the birds among the trees to flutter their wings, and the snow on the trees fell in a rustle.

"Stand at attention, rest a moment."

Zhou Zixu glanced majestically for a week, seeing every friend's spirit in his eyes, and then shouted loudly at Qiyun Dantian.

"I'm about to go to the mountains to practice in the field. Comrades, please pay attention to safety, take care of each other when going up and down the mountain, and show the fearlessness of the security team."

Zhou Zixu's lecture was very simple, but his clear voice was full of intimidation. None of the trainees dared to sneak away, and they all looked at him intently.

"Okay, the captain, the deputy captain, the sub-captain, and the sub-captain are all looking at their own team, and now they all turn to the right, each pulling their own team, forming a long line, and walking in unison."

Zhou Zixu ordered loudly, and all the teams in charge began to dispatch their own units, one team after another lined up in long lines, and the sound of orderly footsteps broke the cold.

The green long dragon marched towards the mountain, adding a touch of beautiful color to the snowy sky.


The sound of stepping on the snow can be heard in the mountains. Those who walk in front are more strenuous than those who walk behind. It is equivalent to the vanguard, stepping on the road for the comrades behind.

The snow ground is shining brightly in the sun, and the flat snow ground is a beauty of nature, drawn by their footsteps.

Zhou Zixu walked beside Lu Sihui, he wanted to protect her safety.

Lu Sihui didn't even look at him from the corner of her eyes. With the gun on her shoulder, she looked ahead and strode forward stepping on the footprints left by her comrades.

Zhou Zisong on the other side also organized a team to go up the mountain. At this point, the two brothers thought of going together.

The two teams met in the mountains, Zhou Zixu raised his chin at his elder brother with a smile, and the perfect arc could be seen more clearly in the sunlight.

"Director Zhou, what a coincidence!"

"It's a coincidence."

Zhou Zixu greeted his elder brother, but Zhou Zisong replied with a cold face.

NO.12 When I saw Zhou Zisong, I always looked at him. The tall and mighty Northeast man, with tough brows and eyes, and a tall and straight figure, standing there, he looked like a high, towering mountain. A sense of security and solidity.

If he didn't have this coldness between his brows and eyes, it would be nice to have a smile like the captain.

Sensing her gaze, Zhou Zisong glanced at her indifferently, and their eyes met in the air.

Zhou Zisong looked at her as if he was looking at a stranger. No. 12 lowered his head sadly, and looked at the footprints on the ground, stepping deep and shallow.

How she wished that these footprints belonged to Zhou Zisong. He stepped on the road ahead for her, and she followed him.

The number one was next to Zhao Jinchen, and they were walking side by side. The original number one seat belonged to Lu Sihui, so she changed places with her on purpose.

Because she knew what No. [-] was thinking, and wanted to help her and create opportunities for her and Zhao Jinchen.

The team didn't walk fast, and it took an hour to get up to the halfway up the mountain. My friends were sweating, and there were white frost flowers on both sides of the cotton hats.

(End of this chapter)

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