Chapter 907
"Zixu, you have to pay attention to safety, let the station friends walk in a single row! Try to walk as close to the inside as possible."

Zhou Zisong had already withdrawn his gaze, looked at Zhou Zixu and ordered, in the tone of a superior speaking to a subordinate.

"Understood, Director Zhou, you should also be careful over there."

Zhou Zixu replied lightly, just after he separated from his elder brother, something went wrong on his side, so he found a chance to discipline him.

"Brother, don't you think you are too ruthless towards NO.12?"

Stepping to Zhou Zisong's side, Zhou Zixu whispered to him.

Zhou Zisong's cold eyes flickered, and he looked at NO.12 indifferently, and found that she had stood up, and the stubbornness in her eyes attracted his attention.

Unlike last night's Jiao 1. Shame, at this time she looks like an iron-blooded man, persevering, and when she encounters danger, she calmly and calmly saves herself. He is very satisfied with this.

"be careful."

This is a word of concern that he threw to NO.12 before he left. The short four words and the momentary lingering in his eyes made NO.12's already ashes-like mood rekindle hope.

"Aren't you two?"

No. 12 could see clearly from the side, NO.[-] looked at Zhou Zisong with aggrieved and sad eyes before, now watching his back leave, the eyes are nostalgic, they are all women, what else does she not understand.

"No, get ready to go!"

NO.12 withdrew her eyes and pursed her lips and replied quickly, and quickly returned to the team, looking at the top of the mountain with firm eyes, she will not hold back the unit anymore.

"No. [-], No. [-], get a third-class merit once."

After Zhou Zixu reassembled the units, he loudly announced the rewards for No. [-] and Lu Sihui.

The field training is to test the overall quality and reaction ability of the stationmates. These two cooperate very well. If No. 12 hadn't reached out and grabbed No.[-] in time, she would have fallen into the mountain stream, and the consequences would be either death or injury. .

Lu Sihui reacted quickly and found the first aid faster than himself. This made him love his wife even more, and she was his pride.

Everyone was very careful in the next actions, and the speed of going up the mountain naturally slowed down.

Today, I just practiced climbing and descending the mountain, familiarized myself with the path, inspected the terrain environment, and made a corresponding defensive plan, so Zhou Zixu was not in a hurry.

After reaching the top of the mountain, the team should be rectified first, and teams at all levels are responsible for assembling their own teams.

Lu Sihui and Zhao Jinchen are in charge of the Falcon Squad, but Zhao Jinchen is still in charge of the command.

"Stand at attention, rest a moment."

Standing in front of the team, Zhao Jinchen glanced around with his dark eyes. When his eyes fell on Lu Sihui's face, he paused for a while and then moved away without stopping.

"Report, the team has been reconciled."

After they were all assembled, Zhao Jinchen saluted Zhou Zixu and reported.

"Okay, let's do a defensive training first."

Zhou Zixu began to assign training tasks. Defense is not only passive to be beaten, but also has the function of attack. Only by eliminating the attacker can we win the standing service.

It is not easy to ambush in the heavy snow. In summer, there are plants and leaves as cover, and in winter, the snow is the same. This olive green is the best target, and the attacker is easy to spot.

"Is there any way not to be discovered?"

Zhou Zixu's sharp eyes swept over every stationmate, especially the non-commissioned officers, and he wanted to see what good ideas they had.

"I think you can ambush in a tree."

Vice Captain Tang took the lead in putting forward his own opinion.

"Go up and let everyone take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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