Chapter 914
No. 12 made a gesture to jump, but was grabbed by No. [-]: "What are you doing? Don't die."

"It's really all right, or let Xiaoli check it out for me."

There was a slight smile on the corner of No. 12's mouth, and NO.[-]'s concern for her made her feel very warm.

"Xiaoli, help me take a look." NO.12 shouted at the nurse, everyone is in the same dormitory, and the first thing to do is to be close to the water.

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Nurse Xiaoli was also worried at first, but when she heard NO.12 calling her, she happened to come over to take a look.

"Really, I've never seen a sprain that is so serious, it will be healed overnight?"

Xiaoli checked very carefully, feeling strange, talking to herself there.

"The body is capable of self-healing!"

Number one is full of joy now, as long as she can go to the exercise, even if there is a little pain in the ankle bone, she can bear it.

"You better not force yourself."

Xiaoli was very worried. As a medical staff, she didn't believe in miracles, but thought No. [-] was doing what she could.

"As long as it doesn't hurt, it's fine. I sprained my ankle before, so I rested for a night, and nothing was delayed the next day. I was fine when I went to work in the field."

Lu Sihui spoke suddenly, her words gave the hesitant No. [-] a shot in the arm.

"I went to the captain and asked to participate in the field exercise."

After talking on the [-]st, he started to get dressed and prepared. Although he was firm in his heart, he secretly used some strength to see if his ankle hurts.
"I go with you."

Lu Sihui was by No. [-]'s side, and she knew that even if No. [-]'s ankle recovered, Zhou Zixu would not agree to her going.

When necessary, I have to be a lobbyist for No. [-].

"Number Eight, thank you."

Number one looked at her gratefully. Just now she was also uneasy, worried that Zhou Zixu would not agree. With Lu Sihui following, the leader should be able to agree.

"You're welcome, I don't know if he can agree, let's try!"

Lu Sihui was confused, mainly because yesterday's situation on the [-]st was too serious, and Zhou Zixu, in the spirit of being responsible for her, would not agree, so she didn't talk big.

She has done everything that can help No. [-], and the rest depends on her life.

Zhou Zixu was confidently in his office at this time, and went through the station plan again to make sure that there was nothing left, so he was relieved,

Yesterday they bought a lot of white cloth and made cloaks overnight, which is only enough for twenty people, but this is enough, whether it is a surprise attack or an ambush, the cost is more than the number of people.



There was a knock on the door, Zhou Zixu put away the work plan and locked it in the drawer, and then he yelled out the door.

"Come in."


Lu Sihui and No. [-] walked into the office, and both respectfully saluted Zhou Zixu.

When Zhou Zixu saw his daughter-in-law, his bright peach blossom eyes lit up like a torch being lit.

"what's up?"

When he saw number one standing beside her, his voice became very serious, completely businesslike.

"Report to the leader, my ankle is healed, please join the station."

Number one put his feet together, saluted Zhou Zixu and then reported loudly.

"Nonsense, your ankle is so badly injured, you can heal in one night? I understand your desire to join the station, but I won't approve of your situation. Stay in the team and look after your home!"

Zhou Zixu frowned, staring at No. [-] seriously, his voice was an unquestionable order,

"Report, No. [-]'s ankle is really healed. The nurses in the health center have checked it for her. She walked all the way by herself."

Lu Sihui saluted Zhou Zixu and reported loudly.

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at his daughter-in-law, why is she messing around with her?
(End of this chapter)

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