Chapter 928

"it is good."

Lu Sihui stood up generously. What she was going to sing was "Red Star Follows Me to Fight".

So, when Lu Sihui started to sing, Zhou Zixu sang along first, and other stationmates also hummed along, and the cafeteria echoed with beautiful singing.

The stationmates were full of smiles. After singing this song, they sang the target song. The singing of the Falcons was neat and melodious.

After dinner, Zhou Zixu took Lu Sihui home, the drill was over, and the young couple didn't have to stay in the unit anymore.

Zhao Jinchen was silent all the time, he couldn't tell what mood he was in right now, but Lu Sihui was singing over there, and he was very engrossed in listening.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was New Year's Day, and for nearly two months, the relationship between Zhou Zisong and NO.12 hadn't made a qualitative leap.

Say it's not the object!Every week, NO.12 will be called home by Mr. Zhou for dinner.

Say yes!Zhou Zisong often didn't go home, so she ate with the old man and Zhou Zixu and his wife.

This made NO.12's mood always unsteady, hanging in mid-air.

"Zixu, what exactly is your elder brother thinking?"

Lu Sihui asked Zhou Zixu privately.

"I don't know, you have to ask him."

Zhou Zixu shrugged, Grandpa couldn't understand Big Brother, so he was in vain.

When New Year's Day came, Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui took their younger brothers back to their grandfather's house to celebrate the New Year. As Zhou Zisong's object, NO.12 was naturally called by the old man.

"Grandpa, I caught a roe deer and I'll eat it later."

The gift Lu Sihui brought was wild game, which cost no money, and everyone loved it.

"Okay, grandpa hasn't eaten for a long time, I'm really hungry!"

Mr. Zhou's eyes were crooked when he smiled, Mrs. Sun's cooking skills, it's just eating once and thinking about the next time.

"Grandpa, I'm going to work."

Zhou Zisong didn't say a word to NO.12 the whole time, as if she was an invisible person.

She came, but he wanted to leave, NO.12 lowered his head, pursing the corners of his mouth aggrievedly.

She was tired of this wishful relationship and wanted to let go.

"No, you can't go anywhere today."

Seeing NO.12's sad look, Mr. Zhou stared at his grandson.

"Grandpa, there is still something to do at work."

Zhou Zisong frowned. He is the leader, and he wants to stay with fellow stationmates during holidays.


Mr. Zhou's eyes showed warmth, and he would give a happy word if he didn't want to get along. I really don't like his grandson hanging on other girls like this.

"Brother, don't go, spend the New Year with grandpa."

Zhou Zixu came over to stop the eldest brother, the leaders of his unit are not in S City, and the unit would be the same without him.


Zhou Zisong responded lightly, went directly to the sofa and sat down, watching his son snuggle up beside NO.12, his laughter was clear and melodious.

"Xiao Li! I want to hear your impression of my grandson. After two months, Zisong will be 28 years old during the Chinese New Year. It's time to settle the matter."

Mr. Zhou didn't give Zhou Zisong time to react, so he asked NO.12 directly.

"pretty good."

NO.12 blushed, lowered his head, and whispered back.

There were red clouds all over his face, and he was too shy to look up at the cold man.

She was afraid of seeing the indifference and sadness in his eyes. When grandpa asked this question, she was already prepared in her heart. Whether it will be successful or not, it will be today.

Taking a sneak peek at Zhou Zisong, he still looked at his nose and mouth like that, neither at himself nor at others, his face was cold, the same as before.

Master Zhou looked at Zhou Zisong sharply: "Zisong, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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