Chapter 937

"It's you?"

When Zhou Changjiang saw the iron-blooded woman opposite, he felt that this person looked familiar. After a closer look, he recognized him. He pointed to Lu Sihui's nose and stared at her through gritted teeth.

"It's me, what? You want to hit me,"

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, didn't he say he was sentenced?Coming out so soon?
"You have hurt me."

Zhou Changjiang was extremely jealous when he met Lu Sihui as an enemy, and regardless of Li Lanni still pulling him, he came over and punched him.

The other people in the line looked at Lu Sihui in surprise. This female iron-blooded player is so thin, and this man is so strong. If he hit her with a fist, how could it be okay?

"stop fighting."

"Girl, get out of here!"

People in the queue screamed in surprise, and the timid woman even covered her eyes, unable to bear to see this female gentleman being knocked down by the vicious man.

But to their surprise, Lu Sihui didn't dodge at all, she just stepped sideways, grabbed Zhou Changjiang's wrist, grabbed Zhou Changjiang's wrist, yanked it, and kicked Zhou Changjiang's ass, kicking Zhou Changjiang like a dog Choke shit.

"Great, this move is really powerful."

The people in line applauded together, this woman's skill is too fierce, she didn't even see how she moved!Such a tall and strong man was knocked down by her.

"Yangtze River, are you alright?"

Li Lanni exclaimed, rushed into the crowd to help Zhou Changjiang up, Lu Sihui didn't get used to him, and with his own momentum, his mouth was covered in blood.

After being helped up by Li Lanni, she looked at Lu Sihui in disbelief. She never thought that this dead girl would become so powerful.

"Can't you fight yet?"

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, and began to move her wrists, staring at Zhou Changjiang's eyes with cold eyes, showing disdain.

Zhou Changjiang felt chills all over from her seductive gaze, and he knew that this woman was no longer a fat girl who was bullied by others after just seeing her.

She is cruel enough, spicy enough, and heartless enough.

He has no doubts, as long as he dares to do it again, she can tear his bones apart alive.

With this understanding, he no longer dared to act casually like before.

Li Lanni looked at Lu Sihui resentfully, how could she become so powerful?

"What are you looking at? Not convinced? How did the two of you get together? You really are a good match, and you are both full of bad things."

Seeing that he stopped doing anything, Lu Sihui didn't bother to talk to them any more, she sneered, and followed the team.

"Harmful woman, you were the one who got me into the fence. You also made Li Lanni homeless and wandering outside. A bad woman like you deserves a terrible death."

Zhou Changjiang couldn't beat him, so he changed to swearing.

"Clap clap."

Lu Sihui adhered to the principle of being able to do it, but don't make any noise. In the past, she was slapped so hard that Zhou Changjiang lost a big tooth.

"Oh, I hit someone."

Li Lanni still screamed, but Lu Sihui gave her a cold look: "Do you want me to tell you who you are?"

With just one threat, Li Lanni was too frightened to say anything.

She was married to an old man, was raped by her brothers, was pregnant, and had a miscarriage. If Zhou Changjiang knew about this, he would definitely not want her.

Thinking of those days wandering outside, she was afraid of Lu Sihui, and supported Zhou Changjiang to persuade him to go:

"Yangtze River, let's go home, don't be as knowledgeable as this crazy woman."

Zhou Changjiang spat out a mouthful of blood foam, saw the big teeth in the blood, and stared at Lu Sihui resentfully.

"I'll sue you at the unit."

"up to you."

Lu Sihui raised her chin arrogantly. Iron-Blooded team members are also human beings and cannot be bullied by others. She doesn't think she did anything wrong.

Zhou Changjiang was stunned for a moment, and looked at Lu Sihui suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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