Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 951 Is it male or female?

Chapter 951 Is it male or female?
"Stop making trouble."

The morning exercise started, and she was soon intoxicated and couldn't extricate herself from it.

After exercising, Zhou Zixu hummed a song, got up and dressed refreshed, with a satiated look, as if he had just picked up a treasure.

Lu Sihui bit her hair and looked at him sadly, always so energetic, what is his body made of?Steel and iron?
"I'll get you some water to wash, wait for me."

As if feeling her resentful gaze, Zhou Zixu turned around in a white shirt and smiled wickedly at her, his bright peach eyes flashed wildly at Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui rolled his eyes at him, picked up the pillow and threw it at him, sending him a very affectionate word.


"I'll be right back."

His voice was low, but the ending was raised deliberately, like a feather sweeping Lu Sihui's heart.

Lu Sihui stared at him with beautiful eyes, his flawless face, seeing him from a close distance, made her fall in love with him.

"Lie down a little longer, dear."

Zhou Zixu helped her lie back on the bed, and covered her with the quilt again.

Showing a perfect smile to Lu Sihui, her shining black eyes are full of her shadow.

It wasn't until he went out that Lu Sihui woke up as if from a sleepwalking state. How could she be obedient like a child?
Just because of his good name?
All right!She admitted that the word "nice" was a bit tantalizing, so she was obedient.

Looking sideways at the door, with one hand resting beside her ear, she is enjoying her marriage with Zhou Zixu very much. This is the happiness she has always wanted.

Looking at the door, Zhou Zixu entered the room with a basin of hot water.

"You wash first, I'll cook."

He is now acting like a 24-filial good husband, put the washbasin on the ground, and he went out.

Although the food he cooks doesn't taste good, he excels in his performance. If he has the opportunity, he should study hard so that he can take care of his wife and children in the future.

Whistling, he began to make steamed buns. Seeing that Lu Sihui made it, it seemed easy. How did it get into his hands? This side is disobedient?
It can't be turned into a circle no matter what, his big hands are holding the dough, which looks very unsuitable.

"Brother-in-law, you didn't put a dough starter, the steamed buns would be sour and unedible."

Lu Jianguo was watching, seeing his clumsy brother-in-law, he couldn't help but say something.

"What? Put something?"

Zhou Zixu threw the dough onto the panel, and raised his hand to wipe the fine beads of sweat from his forehead.

He doesn't worry about fighting, why can't he make a pile of dough!

"That's it, commonly known as alkali."

Lu Jianguo shook his head helplessly, and simply brought it to him himself.

"Pour them all in?"

Zhou Zixu saw the helpless look in his brother-in-law's eyes, took the bottle opener and poured it on his face.

"No, one pinch is enough, put it all in, and we don't even want to eat."

Lu Jianguo hurriedly reached out to catch it, and if it was a little later, he would have no breakfast today.

"It's so troublesome. I won't leaven the noodles tomorrow, so I'll just steam them and eat them."

Zhou Zixu obviously didn't know how to do it himself, but he still clamored for trouble.

Lu Sihui in the room didn't wash her body with the hot water, but hung the door and entered the space capsule.

Go directly to the light wave area to take a bath, and check the baby's condition in the stomach by the way. On the computer screen, there are lines that jump up and down. She can't understand it, so she directly asks: "How is it? Is the baby healthy?"

"very healthy."

The dull voice of the robot sounded, but Lu Sihui was very happy when she heard it, as long as the child is healthy.

Looking at the screen, she asked another question: "I want to know, is it a man or a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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