Chapter 963
"my heart"

Old man Zhou fell to the ground clutching his heart. Lu Sihui hurriedly reached out to support him, but the old man was already unconscious.

"Get me the medicine quickly."

Lu Sihui couldn't care less, and gave orders to the robots in the space capsule.

People around gathered around: "Comrade, do you need any help?"

"Send it to the hospital!"

"When you are old, don't let the elderly come out."

The onlookers spoke one after another, and they were all very enthusiastic. Some men even wanted to come and help carry Mr. Zhou away.

"It's okay, I have medicine here, please spread out and keep ventilated."

Lu Sihui yelled loudly, the robot had handed the medicine to her, and she quickly put it into Grandpa's mouth.

"Grandpa, wake up."

Looking at him nervously, she was afraid that the medicine wouldn't work well, so she even helped grandpa soothe his chest with her hands.

"I'm a doctor, everyone let me go."

A middle-aged man in a big blue padded jacket squeezed in from the crowd. When people heard that he was a doctor, they all gave way to him.

"My grandpa has heart disease and just took medicine."

When Lu Sihui saw the doctor came, she briefly introduced Mr. Zhou's situation. The doctor bent down and unbuttoned the old man's collar first, so as not to block his breathing.

I put my hand next to my mouth and haha, ready to give the old man artificial respiration.

"Dongsheng. Dongsheng"

The old man woke up calling his great-grandson's name, which saved the doctor from giving him artificial respiration.

"How do you feel, old man?"

The doctor asked again cautiously, and gave up the treatment if the patient woke up.

"It's okay, everyone help out, my great-grandson is missing."

The first thing Mr. Zhou did when he woke up was to think about his grandson. Seeing that there were many people watching, he struggled to stand up and begged everyone to help him.

"Fifteen years old, anyone who loses a child is in a hurry, and the old man is suddenly ill. Let's help out!"

The doctor stood up and called on the onlookers. At this time, the people were very kind-hearted, and when they saw the old man suffering a sudden illness, they all volunteered to help.

Although I don't know what the child looks like, it's easier to find out if you ask clearly about clothing, height, boy or girl.

Originally, there were only four people looking for it, but now a large group of people called by Mr. Zhou are all looking for it. The probability of finding it is undoubtedly higher.

The doctor stayed by the old man's side all the time, and left after making sure that the old man was fine.

The rest of the time was spent anxiously waiting.

Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong searched the street, inside and out, but they couldn't find Zhou Dongsheng.

Li Yanhong was crying until she was in tears, her voice was hoarse, she felt that she was really useless, she couldn't even look after her children.

"do not Cry."

Seeing her crying so sad, Zhou Zisong didn't seem to be faking it at all. No matter how sad he was, he had to hold his breath. At this time, he couldn't panic.

No. 12 was comforted, and she felt that her current situation was not suitable for finding a child with her, so she asked her to go to grandpa and wait.

The family found it in the middle of the night, and the helpers left, and there was no sign of them after searching.

The brilliant fireworks, leaving only the smell of fireworks, the family looked at the bustling street just now, but now the crowds have cleared, and the street can be seen at a glance.

"Did Dong Sheng be carried away?"

Mr. Zhou was the first to bring up a topic that no one dared to touch. At this time, there were flower shooters who specially caught children and exchanged them for money.

"Report the crime!" Zhou Zisong took a deep breath, if that was the case, he would definitely not let the kidnapper go.

(End of this chapter)

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