Chapter 989

Nineteen Falcon friends answered in unison, their voices were loud and clear, resounding through the sky.

The shouting here attracted the attention of other friends, and they all looked at the captain.

Inexplicably, my scalp felt numb, why did I feel that I was being watched by the captain?
It felt like being targeted by dormant beasts in the woods, ready to kill them at any moment.

"Everyone has it, eat and drink enough, and clean the station."

Deputy Captain Wu stood up and directed everyone. Naturally, they couldn't swallow the wolf meat for the first day's meal. There was a lot left, but no one wanted to eat another bite.

Zhou Zixu looked at them with squinted eyes. If he didn't eat the cooked food today, they would know in the future that the wolf meat thrown away is simply delicious in the world.

"Rest in place. Except for the comrades standing guard, you must recharge your batteries. Tomorrow the captain will clean up you bastards."

Vice-team Wu first gave everyone a light so that they could be mentally prepared.

There was a sly smile in Zhou Zixu's eyes, staring at Vice Captain Wu with a chill running down his spine.

May is a period of warm and cold. At night, it is still very cold in the mountains and forests, with a large temperature difference from the daytime.

The stationmates had a bonfire, leaned together and fell asleep.

Zhou Zixu took Zhao Jinchen to inspect it, and then led him to check the terrain.

"See clearly, what do you think of this position?"

When he came to the huge rock, Zhou Zixu stepped up and looked down at Zhao Jinchen.

The night wind blew his uniform, and Zhao Jinchen broke into a cold sweat for him.

"Come down first, it's too cold at the heights."

Subconsciously, he wanted to reach out to pull him, and Zhou Zixu also extended his hand in cooperation. Zhao Jinchen just wanted to take advantage of the situation to help him, but he didn't expect Zhou Zixu to use force, and he was directly pulled onto the rock.

"Only by standing tall can you see far. How about it? How does it feel?"

Zhou Zixu let go of his hand and looked at him with a bright smile. His dark eyes reflected the stars in the sky. Zhao Jinchen looked at him and suddenly knew why he won the national championship and graduated with the No.1 score in the training school. , Zhansheng eldest brother won the station service victory.

This is all due to his self-confidence, wisdom, and confidence.

Take a step forward and look down the cliff. The moonlight is bright yellow, like an oval duck egg yellow, and the clear light shines on the bottom of the mountain stream.

The bottom of the mountain is pitch-black, like a bottomless abyss. If you are a timid person, standing in this position will definitely make your legs weak.

"It's very high."

This is his answer to Zhou Zixu.

"How to climb up?"

Zhou Zixu put his hands behind his back and looked at him with a smile.

"do not know."

Zhao Jinchen shook his head honestly, there is no such high rope at all, and it is very dangerous to climb on the branches.

"What you are looking at is the night, but you don't need a long rope. I heard that there are people in the south who climbed the cliff with bare hands. The bare rock wall has no place to rely on. How do you say he climbed up? "

Zhou Zixu looked at Zhao Jinchen with fiery eyes. He wanted to train him so that he would have the ability to command independently.

"Do you have tools?"

Zhao Jinchen thought for a long time before answering.

"Yes, a tool like a root planer, which can be drilled into the crevices of rocks, so that he can use his strength to climb."

Zhou Zixu nodded with a smile, and told him what he knew.

"You let us climb up like this?"

Zhao Jinchen's eyes widened. They were people who lived in the mountains every day. They seemed to go up the mountain and play. Although they were well-trained, they were not designed to climb the rock wall.

"Of course, otherwise what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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