Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 992 You can choose to stay

Chapter 992 You can choose to stay
Zhou Baichuan's voice was commanding this time, he would not allow his son to be unfair to Xiao Li, and once he got married, he should respect her right to want to be a mother.

"let me see."

Zhou Zisong took a long time to open his mouth, but his raised eyes were still full of uncertainty.

He was afraid that Dongsheng would be hurt, and he was sorry for his comrades back then.

"Zixu's exercise this time is very dangerous. Dad is worried about him and Xiao Li."

Zhou Baichuan looked into his son's eyes and said, he just wanted to tell his son about Xiao Li's situation.

Zhou Zisong couldn't help frowning, it was very dangerous, but as an iron-blooded team member, he could only go forward bravely.

He's not going to hold his wife back, that's not his style.

But at the same time, he felt a strange feeling, his heart seemed to be suspended in mid-air, unable to land no matter what.

"Xiao Li is really kind to Dongsheng, a kind girl, Dad hopes you can cherish it."

Zhou Baichuan left, and if he stayed, let Zhou Zisong sit in the study until midnight.

I don't know what he thinks?But for the first time he had insomnia.

In the early morning of the next day, it was a rare fine weather. Zhou Zixu gathered the team for a meeting and talked about today's exercise.

He spoke lightly: "We only have 20 people, how about fighting against hundreds of you? Should you stand?"

Friends all looked at Zhou Zixu as if they were listening to a joke, slandering in their hearts, everyone knew how powerful the captain was, but no one believed him when he was against dozens of people.

"There is no limit to the number of days. The No. [-] highland in the last exercise is your position. I will take a few of them to attack you. How about it? Is it exciting?"

Zhou Zixu smiled charmingly, his narrowed peach eyes glanced at the faces of every friend, his voice was full of jokes, it sounded like he was teasing them.

"Captain, stop joking, can't we believe you are great?"

Wang Yuzhu and Zhang Changyou looked at Zhou Zixu sadly, playing new tricks every now and then, playing them to death.

"That won't work, it's true that I'm great, but I want you to know your true abilities and correct your shortcomings, so that you don't even know how you died when you stand on the stage?"

Zhou Zixu held his hands behind his back as if he was inspecting, walking from left to right, his eyes gradually became sharper.

Being stared at by him like this, the friends all became nervous, why do they feel like they are destined to lose?

"Captain, we are useless, but we can't beat 20 of you? Are you kidding me!"

Wang Yuzhu scratched his head with an expression of disbelief.

"Hmph, okay, let's wait and see, but I remembered what you said just now. If you lose, you will be locked in a small dark room~"

Zhou Zixu brought his face close to Wang Yuzhu's, with a smile on his lips, but his eyes were so cold that he shivered.

"Captain, we don't bring such scary ones."

Wang Yuzhu didn't have much confidence when he spoke this time, and his intuition told him that he was surrounded by the captain again.

"Whoever played with you, the order is like a mountain."

Zhou Zixu kicked him, embarrassing him by standing up.

"Leader, it hurts."

Wang Yuzhu rubbed his calf and complained softly.

"Does it still hurt?"

In return, Zhou Zixu kicked harder, this kick hit his ass, and almost fell to the ground.

"It doesn't hurt anymore."

Wang Yuzhu stood up quickly and stood at attention, not daring to cry out for pain.

"Deputy Wu won't take part in the defensive command, the second captain and the third captain, as the positive and negative command team, do you have the confidence to beat me?"

Zhou Zixu cast a sideways glance at Vice-Captain Wu who was full of worry, and kicked him out of the command team, because this kid knew his intentions.



At this time, who dares to say no?Aren't you afraid of getting your ass kicked?

"NO.12, number one, you are women, you can choose to stay."

(End of this chapter)

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