Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 997 Are you going to lose her?

Chapter 997 Are you going to lose her?

When Zhou Zixu was proud, No. [-] rushed into the headquarters and reported anxiously.

"What happened?"

Zhou Zixu sat up abruptly, he did not miss anything in his calculations, how could something happen?
"During the confrontation, NO.12 accidentally fell off the cliff."

Number five's face was pale, and his voice trembled when he spoke.

He got close and stretched out his hand to give it a hand, but watched NO.12 float down the mountain like a kite with a broken string.

He felt guilty and blamed himself, but it was useless.

"Start rescue immediately."

Zhou Zixu immediately gave the order, and he was the first to rush out.

"What should I do? Who wins this?"

The cadres sent by Zhou Baichuan looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Call the minister for instructions!"

Zhou Baichuan stayed at the headquarters, staring at the map of the emperor's affairs in front of him, wondering why his younger son didn't attack?

What is his plan?
Political commissar Zhang and Ma Zhang are here, and they all want to know how Zixu won?
The phone rang at this moment, Zhou Baichuan quickly picked up the phone: "Speak."

"What? All-out search and rescue, the exercise ends here."

Hearing that he suddenly raised his voice and ordered the exercise to end, the other two knew something serious had happened.

"Old Zhou, what's the matter?"

"problem occurs."

Zhou Baichuan put on his hat and walked towards the door with big strides.

Vice Minister Ma and Political Commissar Zhang, seeing him in such a hurry, knew that something was serious.

"Call Zhou Zisong and tell him that something happened to Xiao Li, and tell him to go to the scene immediately."

When passing by the servants, Zhou Baichuan gave orders as he walked.

Ten minutes later, Zhou Baichuan brought people down the mountain.

"how is the situation?"

He answered the phone on the mountain.

"Still searching and rescue, there are more dangers than good luck."

"Don't give up any hope, we must save people."

After Zhou Baichuan put down the phone, his hands trembled a little. That was his daughter-in-law, who had not been married to the Zhou family for long, if she died, how would he explain to her parents.

"Don't worry Lao Zhou, I'll call people from my unit to search and rescue."

Vice Minister Ma persuaded him that if he fell off the cliff, the chance of surviving was almost zero.

But as a leader, you will not give up any possibility easily.

Zhou Zisong arrived about 10 minutes later, his expression was the same as before, but as his father, Zhou Baichuan still saw the anxiety in his son's eyes.

"In the back mountain, Zixu led people to look for it!"

As soon as Zhou Baichuan's words fell, Zhou Zisong rushed into the valley like a sword off the string.

The vast mountains, echoing shouts, are all shouting NO.12.

Zhou Zisong's heart was on fire, and he ran towards the back mountain valley without delaying a moment.

Zhou Zixu sent Deputy Team Wu to lead people down the mountain to search, and he and Zhao Jinchen climbed down the mountain stream.

When passing by a protruding branch, he found a few pieces of torn green cloth. Zhou Zixu took it in his hand and inspected it, and confirmed that it was scraped off from the uniform.
"Go down from here, speed up."

Zhou Zixu calmly observed the height. This side happened to be halfway up the mountain. In other words, it was blocked by a tree. Perhaps, NO.12 could still survive.

Zhou Zisong ran all the way to the back valley, and there were already stationmates searching for rescue. There were thick leaves on the ground. After the snow melted, these leaves looked wet, and they were together with the mud ginseng.

Step on it, there is a feeling of unreliability.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, it is so high that even if it falls on the thick leaves, it may not be able to save its life.

Are you going to lose her?Did that southern girl with gentle eyebrows, that woman who never smiled or spoke, the only girl who was married to him, just leave him like this?
(End of this chapter)

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