Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 110 Can You Do Me A Favor?

Chapter 110 Can You Do Me A Favor?
Lu Xintong wanted to ask, what are you doing?But seeing that Long Lanyue had withdrawn her hand, she just stood there.Looking around, I don't know how to say the words that come to my lips.

"Why are you here?!" The original reason for looking for him has been forgotten.Asked so strangely.

In fact, she never thought that Long Lanyue would covet what her mother left her.

In her opinion, does a big boss like Long Lanyue want any treasure? !Although that treasure is very precious to her, to Long Lanyue, it seems to be just ordinary.

Long Lanyue glanced at her lightly, and then replied: "Just take a look."

"Eh..." Lu Xintong responded, not knowing what to say.In fact, she wanted to ask, what is there to see.But thinking about being in someone else's room now, it seems that it is not easy to ask.

"What's the matter with you?!" Long Lanyue didn't bother to ask her in turn.

"Well, I just wanted to ask you if you eat coriander?!" After asking, Lu Xintong felt a little smudged.

"Don't eat." Long Lanyue obviously didn't think so much.Answer her very decisively.

Lu Xintong nodded knowingly: "Then I'll continue cooking..."

"Wait." Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Long Lanyue's cold voice came from behind her.

"Huh?!" Lu Xintong stopped, turned around, and looked at him blankly.

"What is this?!" He pointed to the small brocade box on the dressing table. He didn't like guessing, he just wanted to get an accurate answer.

The surprise in Lu Xintong's eyes was even worse, she didn't expect him to ask.

But now she has regarded him as a good friend, especially since he has saved her so many times, now Lu Xintong is not wary of him at all.

There shouldn't be many things that Long Lanyue is interested in. Since he took the initiative to ask now, she has no intention of hiding it.Tell him very straightforwardly: "This is something my mother left me, a bracelet and a book."

Speaking of this, Lu Xintong remembered that she couldn't understand that book at all, it was very weird.But in order to keep it secret, she dared not ask anyone.She didn't even dare to disclose Mira.

Now that Long Lanyue asked, an idea immediately popped up in her mind.

Maybe she can ask Long Lanyue, firstly, he is very trustworthy, and secondly, he is well-informed, maybe he will know what is painted in that book.

Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at him with burning eyes.

No matter how calm Long Lanyue is usually, she can't stand her eyes at this time.

"What's going on?" I was a little embarrassed, but there was no reaction on my face.

She took the opportunity to grab Long Lanyue's hand. The latter's body stiffened for a moment, but when he came into contact with the warm and soft touch again, he even forgot to break free and let her hold it.

"That...Long Lanyue, can I ask you for a favor?!" Lu Xintong blinked her beautiful eyes, with anticipation in her eyes, and asked nervously.

"Tell me." Long Lanyue could clearly see the emotion in her eyes.

Lu Xintong simply pulled Long Lanyue to sit down on the bed, without realizing how intimate such a move was.Now she has forgotten everything, what cooking, what men and women can't tell each other, they are all thrown into the sky.

At this time, she only had one feeling in her mind, to explore the mystery of the book her mother left behind.

She took the small brocade box on the dressing table, and opened it carefully. Long Lanyue stared at it intently, and blurted out the question in her heart: "What are you going to do?!"

(End of this chapter)

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