Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 127 Promise me a condition

Chapter 127 Promise me a condition

"Long Lanyue, are you going to be busy this afternoon?" Lu Xintong hurriedly asked.

In fact, she was quite conflicted in her heart, she wanted Long Lanyue to be with her, but she was afraid of delaying his affairs.After all, he is such a busy person, he is simply busy.

Like in the morning, they have too little alone time, so precious, they can get to know each other.With him by his side, Lu Xintong felt very at ease.

"I'm done." Long Lanyue gave her a sideways glance, and then said something lightly.

"Ah? Are you done with your work?!" Lu Xintong was surprised. If she remembered correctly, he had only been to the study for half an hour.It's so fast, is it because there are few things to do, or is he too efficient? !

Long Lanyue nodded in disbelief.

Then he saw the admiration in the little girl's eyes, and he felt that he was in a good mood.I enjoy the look in her eyes.

"It's amazing!" Lu Xintong still sighed sincerely.

"Let's eat." He said lightly.

Lu Xintong glanced at him, and keenly noticed that his face seemed not as cold as usual, but much softer.She couldn't help guessing, did this mean that he was in a good mood? !
The two get along more and more harmoniously, maybe they don't know it.

Meanwhile, Pan Yunqiao's side.

Lu Yutong stayed in the hospital for two days and then went home directly.It wasn't a particularly serious injury after all.And young people recover quickly.The wound on the face also healed quickly.

It's just that the anger in my heart can't dissipate no matter what.Being sent to the hospital by that bastard Lu Xintong was simply the greatest shame in her life so far.

After she came back, she planned how to take revenge on her!
Pan Yunqiao went to Nanshan again.It would take more than a day's journey, and Lu Yutong originally wanted to go, but Pan Yunqiao considered that she had just returned and it was not suitable for a long journey.

Besides, she can go alone to that kind of place.I don't want to take my daughter with me.

Lu Yutong did not insist on this.

Pan Yunqiao drove there by herself.This time she decided not to rest.Has been rushed to Nanshan.She was a little worried, wondering if she could meet that expert this time.

I heard that he is not from the Nanshan Wu Clan.It's just that he happened to pass by there at that moment.

If they still meet, she will definitely ask him to deal with Lu Xintong in a more ruthless way, hmph, it's best to toss her to death!That way she can't always be against her!
How dare she beat her precious daughter to the hospital, and I don't know who gave her the guts!This time I have to let her know how amazing it is!Otherwise, I think they are easy to bully.

Pan Yunqiao had thought about it, if she couldn't meet that expert, she would go and ask for something else. Anyway, in Nanshan, there was no need to worry about not being able to find a way to deal with him.

However, it seemed that her God was also helping her, allowing her to meet that expert again at the foot of the mountain.

He wore a ghostly mask on his face and was dressed in a black robe.Such robes are rare in their city, as if they were ancient.There was a mysterious aura about him.

His voice is also very strange, very hoarse, as if it has been processed through a voice changer.

"Do you want to ask for another way to deal with that person?" Before Pan Yunqiao could explain his purpose, the expert had already spoken out.

Pan Yunqiao's face was full of surprise, and then her eyes were full of admiration. She really is an expert, and she actually knew what she was thinking.

"Then is there anything else you can do?" Pan Yunqiao asked cautiously.

"Yes, but you have to promise me one condition."

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(End of this chapter)

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