Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 130 Sleeping In My Room Tonight

Chapter 130 Sleeping In My Room Tonight
"I went to eat at noon today, and while walking on the road, it seemed that the Gu poison suddenly broke out, and the pain was excruciating. I don't understand why it happened during the day?!"

The two had already sat down, and Lu Xintong was lying in his arms, talking to him about what happened at noon.

Long Lanyue frowned slightly on her cold face.

He put his hand on Lu Xintong's heart, just like Ye Qing did.Ye Qing is a girl, it doesn't matter if she does such an action, but Long Lanyue...

Lu Xintong's face was a little hot, and she didn't dare to look at him with her eyes downcast, and her mind suddenly became a little dizzy...

At this moment, a cold voice came from the top of the head: "It was stimulated."

"What?!" Lu Xintong raised his head, and looked into Long Lanyue's blue eyes in shock, and couldn't understand what he meant for a while.

"Someone used a spell to stimulate it, and it flared up." It was rare, and Long Lanyue explained it to her in a little more detail.

Lu Xintong's heart skipped a beat, and instantly sank to the bottom.There is such an operation? !Wouldn't that be impossible to guard against? !Will it hurt to death at any time?Just thinking about it made her face turn pale.

"Then... what should I do?!" Her voice trembled.A trace of fear quietly surrounded her.

"It's okay, I'm here." He said bluntly.

This sentence seems to endow some kind of magical power, which can dispel all the fears of Lu Xintong, as long as he says it's okay, nothing will happen.

"Long Lanyue, is it difficult?" She bit her lip and asked hesitantly.

"It's not difficult." His voice was faint, and he couldn't even hear whether it was really difficult or not.

Lu Xintong felt a little relieved.She couldn't help but think, this time the curse must be caused by that mother and daughter again, it should be Pan Yunqiao, she beat her daughter last time, now she wants revenge!

I didn't expect that she was so knowledgeable!Wanting to torture her would make life worse than death, it's too vicious!
"Will it be stimulated at any time?" After a long silence, Lu Xintong continued to ask, she had to understand the situation so that she could have a bottom line.

Long Lanyue didn't answer her immediately, maybe she was thinking.Lu Xintong didn't urge him either.

Fortunately, Long Lanyue didn't make her wait too long, and after a while he asked, "When did it hurt at noon today?!"

Lu Xintong thought about it carefully, and then said: "It's about twelve o'clock. I got down 10 minutes earlier."

Long Lanyue seemed to have an idea: "It should be noon, but now I'm not sure how many times a day."

He hadn't been exposed to such despicable means for a long time, and he was a little uncertain for a while.In the past, this kind of thing was solved by his four guardians.

"I hope there is only one time. Because after that time, there will be no reaction." Lu Xintong said his guess.

Long Lanyue responded, and then he said: "Observe for a day first." Anyway, as long as he is by your side, once it happens, he can stop it immediately.

"Okay." Lu Xintong finally felt at ease.She just remembered that none of them had eaten, so they got up quickly and prepared to cook for him, but they were stopped by Long Lanyue as soon as they stood up.

Lu Xintong turned around and looked at him blankly.

"You don't have to do it, I'll ask Ye Ning to bring it over." He said lightly.

Lu Xintong's nose suddenly felt a little sore, Long Lanyue was so kind, she wanted to hug him again.

But he suddenly heard him say: "Sleep in my room tonight."

 Why no one left a message?I thought no one was reading... Everyone, don’t be shy, move your fingers, talk to me, leave a message, get angry!

(End of this chapter)

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