Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 14 will bring you disaster

Chapter 14 will bring you disaster

I was so happy just now that I didn't notice that my hand was injured, which was discovered by Pan Yunqiao first.

Not only that, but there were also bruises on her calves. After being reminded by her mother, Lu Yutong suddenly realized that her body was also a little sore.It was as if someone had beaten him.

She didn't remember when she was beaten, it was really evil.

She shook her head and looked at her mother blankly: "I don't know what's going on?!"

Pan Yunqiao shook her head helplessly, "Be more careful in the future. How can you get hurt casually?!" But the good thing tonight is that the broom star left early and did not do anything bad to them.

The next day, Lu Xintong woke up in bed, feeling a little confused suddenly, her hands were pressed to her waist, her face was a little red, and then her hands were pressed to her face, the temperature on her face was a little high.

She had that dream again last night, just like before, she didn't see that person's appearance, but his breath was inexplicably familiar.But I can't remember where I saw it.

As she was trying to remember, the door of the dormitory was opened.The sudden movement made Lu Xintong quickly withdraw from her thoughts. She got up slightly in the morning, and she was relieved when she saw that it was Mira who came back.

"Xintong, you are in the dormitory, I thought you went back?!" She came over and lay down beside Lu Xintong's bed.

"I don't want to go back. I will rent a house to live outside. Let's find a house today." Lu Xintong vowed.

"But it costs a lot of money to live outside. A slightly better apartment would be very expensive to rent." Mentioning this, Mira was a little worried.

"It's okay, I have some money for the time being, enough for us to last for a year and a half." Thinking of the 20 Lu Qingshan gave her last night, she felt a little more at ease.

But Mira didn't know why: "Where did you get the money? Those people in your family are not easy to talk to." They are very good friends, and she still knows about the situation of Lu Xintong's family.

"I have my own way." Lu Xintong didn't want to tell her.Suddenly, a handsome and cold face flashed in her mind, and she raised her eyebrows subconsciously.

"Mila, I'm asking you about someone." Lu Xintong knew that that person was dangerous, but she couldn't control her curiosity.

It's a bit strange to say, usually she doesn't like to pay attention to other people, but that man...inexplicably touches her heart, driving her to inquire about him by accident.

"Huh? Who is it? You seldom inquire about people. Could it be that someone has fallen in love with you?! Hehe" Mira's tone was somewhat ambiguous.

Lu Xintong didn't have the heart to argue with her at this time.

"In Longdu, is there a family named Long?!" She couldn't wait to ask.

When Mira, who was originally very interested, heard her question, her face suddenly turned pale.Eyes filled with fear and surprise.

Seeing her like this, Lu Xintong knew that she should know some "rumors from the rivers and lakes."

"Xin Tong, why did you ask the Long family? Let me tell you, it's best not to inquire about this family, it will bring you disaster." Mira grabbed Lu Xintong's hand and said anxiously.

Lu Xintong raised her eyebrows, bringing disaster?Is it that exaggerated? !She instantly felt more curious in her heart.

"Hurry up and tell me?!" She suddenly couldn't wait, and asked eagerly.

(End of this chapter)

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