Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 145 A man's heart, a needle in the sea

Chapter 145 A man's heart, a needle in the sea

Lu Xintong looked up at him.With bright eyes and shimmering waves, Long Lanyue looked away...

Looking at it like this, his heart will start to lose control again.He didn't like the feeling of being out of control.

Lu Xintong felt more and more that such a weak self was not good enough for him.

However, the problem is that she doesn't even know how to become stronger, she is very helpless... That feeling is even more desperate than when she knew she was poisoned.

He didn't respond to the confession just now, does it mean that he has no interest in him at all?
But if it's not interesting, why treat her so well?How easy to misunderstand.Lu Xintong sighed silently, she might have to pay homage to her love that was about to end before it even started.

Seeing her keeping her head down, Long Lanyue didn't know what to do.She was not good at comforting others.

Lu Xintong was thinking about other things and forgot about her physical discomfort.I don't know how long it took before Long Lanyue picked her up, and the burning feeling was gone.All that's left is the bone-piercing cold.

She was still conscious, with her head resting on Long Lanyue's chest, not knowing what she was thinking.

Long Lanyue carried her back to her room.

But when they got to the door, the little girl who had been silent all this time suddenly said, "Long Lanyue, do you have another room here?!"

If she keeps getting close to him like this, she probably won't be able to quit him in her life.But he didn't mean that to himself.She felt that she had to calm down a little.

Long Lanyue paused in her footsteps, and looked down at the little girl in her arms meaningfully.

After a while, he said two words lightly: "No".

The corner of Lu Xintong's mouth twitched, she could clearly see that there were several rooms.He still answered so decisively, he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.She doesn't understand what he means now.

The attitude that made her unable to figure it out really came true: a man's heart is a needle in the sea!

Of course, Long Lanyue didn't know that she was struggling with this, after answering her words, she carried her into her room without any pause.

Put her on the bed, throw her a piece of clothing, which should be a nightgown: "Go take a bath."

After speaking, before she could react, he strode out.

Lu Xintong grabbed the clothes around her and was a little dazed. The soft fabric was not the material of the clothes he was wearing.

She was a little dazed, and it was only after she sneezed that she suddenly came back to her senses. She couldn't help shivering, and grabbed her clothes and walked to the bathroom.

Now is not the time to be messy, she'd better take care of herself first.Otherwise, if you are sick, you will doubt your life again.

Outside the door, Long Lanyue had already come out.He went to the study.

Ye Ning has already gone to the apartment to take back the medicine that Lu Xintong mentioned.

He looked at Long Lanyue's hand, the wound on the back of the hand had healed, but perhaps because the time was too short, traces of the injury were still visible.

He just heard Ye Ying say that the young master was injured by a divine beast, and the power can be imagined, but he didn't expect it to heal so quickly. It really is the young master, so powerful.

"Master, this is the medicine I brought back. I've seen it. It's indeed a pain-relieving medicine, but it contains a catalyst medicine. It should be because of this problem that Miss Lu will have an attack."

"Did you find out where you got this medicine?" Long Lanyue's cold eyes fell on the box on the table.

"It was obtained from the black market."

Long Lanyue frowned slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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