Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 157 Inexperienced

Chapter 157 Inexperienced
Lu Xintong was stunned, as if she had never seen him ask her questions so seriously and solemnly.

It seemed that what he said would definitely appear in her future life, making her face such a choice.

However, she didn't hesitate too long.Nodding quickly: "I will never turn back!"

No matter what kind of things will happen in the future, as long as Long Lanyue needs him, she will definitely not hesitate.

After all, Long Lanyue has already done too many things for her.Obviously they didn't know each other for a long time.But he has saved her several times, many times without regard for his life.

Looking at the sincerity in her eyes, Long Lanyue knew that this little girl was serious.

He did not continue the subject.

As for An Yi, they have been indifferent to each other for many years, and this time when the Bianhua appeared, he couldn't help but make a move.But he hasn't done anything unfavorable to Lu Xintong yet.

He is not such a stupid person, he should not do stupid things.

"Long Lanyue, since you said that An Yi is not a good person, should I change my job?" After a long silence, Lu Xintong asked again.

She didn't want to cause Long Lanyue any more trouble, if An Yi was against her in the future, Long Lanyue would definitely save her.

Although she likes her current job very much, if it makes Long Lanyue difficult, she can give up...

"You want to change?" Long Lanyue pursed her lips, without any emotion on her face.

Lu Xintong bit her lip in confusion, and after a while, she said, "I don't want to change, but..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Long Lanyue: "Then don't change, it doesn't matter."

Although An Yi's strength is good, if they are really on opposite sides one day, then it is not a particularly difficult thing for him to deal with him.

Suddenly Lu Xintong was deeply moved.The eye sockets are a little hot.It seemed that a fog was forming rapidly in his mind.

She didn't want Long Lanyue to see her so fragile and bury her head very low.

"Go to bed early." With that said, Long Lanyue stood up and was about to walk back to the room.

The corner of Lu Xintong's mouth twitched, and now he is sleeping, is he serious? !She glanced at her watch, it was only 8:[-]!Old people don't go to bed so early!How boring she is by herself.

"Long Lanyue!" Lu Xintong finally couldn't help but call out to him.

She doesn't want to be alone, it's too boring.Looking for some entertainment.

Long Lanyue stopped, turned around and looked at Lu Xintong with doubts in her eyes, obviously waiting for her next words.

Lu Xintong suddenly felt a little embarrassed.She bit her lips lightly, and finally summoned up the courage to say it: "Are you going to sleep now?! Let's... let's go for a walk, take me for a walk with less people."

There seemed to be some doubts in Long Lanyue's eyes.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.Lu Xintong's hands kept on touching the corners of her clothes, revealing her nervousness.After finishing speaking, she just stared at Long Lanyue, as if time had frozen.

She has never been so proactive with a man. Speaking of which, she has no experience in pursuing men.I never thought that one day, I would like someone so much.

"Okay." Finally Long Lanyue agreed.

She took the initiative to invite, with such anticipation in her eyes, he couldn't refuse at all.

With his consent, Lu Xintong's eyes lit up instantly.

She stood up quickly, wanting to hold his hand, but she told herself quietly in her heart, hold back, hold back, hold back... hold back, hold back!
(End of this chapter)

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