Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 187 Will You Sing Me Happy Birthday?

Chapter 187 Will You Sing Me Happy Birthday?

Looking at her like this, Long Lanyue felt a little irritable in her heart.

"I'm really fine. You have to trust me." Very domineering and determined voice.And his hand gently held her hand back.

This is the first time that he took the initiative to have close skin-to-skin contact with her.

"Come with me." Long Lanyue thought that the only way to keep her from thinking wildly was to divert her attention.

It's just that as soon as Lu Xintong's feet touched the ground, she couldn't help but fell forward, because of the indulgence last night, her legs were already unable to straighten up.It looks like noodles, and there is no strength at all.

Long Lanyue quickly took her into her arms.The special aura from him penetrated into the tip of his nose, and Lu Xintong felt a lot more at ease in his heart.

Not knowing where Long Lanyue was going to take her, she lowered her eyes and looked at the clothes on her body. It was a white nightgown, while he was still wearing the silver nightgown from last night.It's kind of like a couple's style.

Lu Xintong was a little embarrassed, if she went down and met Ye Ning, she would be so embarrassed.

"Long Lanyue, what time is it?" Lu Xintong keenly discovered that there seems to be no day and night in the castle, anyway, it seems that it is very bright every moment, and there are lights everywhere.

"Six o'clock in the morning." Long Lanyue told her truthfully.

Lu Xintong couldn't help but stare, it's only six o'clock in the morning? !Then why did she feel like she had slept for a long time?She originally thought that she must have slept until the sun was rising, but she never thought that it was still so early.

"Where are we going?!" Retracting his thoughts, Lu Xintong asked again, how could they just walk around so early in their pajamas.Thankfully there is no one else here.

Long Lanyue didn't answer her question, but went downstairs with her arms around her waist.

Lu Xintong bit her lip, but didn't ask further.Anyway, just follow along.

Unexpectedly, Long Lanyue brought her to the dining table.She couldn't help but wonder, is it for breakfast? !
"Sit down, don't move around." At the end, Long Lanyue dropped a sentence, then turned and left.

Lu Xintong was attracted by his mysterious state, and his eyes moved with his figure.Not knowing what to do, she held her face in both hands, and her curiosity was pushed to the extreme.

Fortunately, Long Lanyue didn't make her wait too long, and soon, he appeared in Lu Xintong's sight again.

Lu Xintong let out an exclamation, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, her round eyes widened, and the scene in front of her was so moved that she burst into tears.

I saw Long Lanyue holding a cake in one hand, the cake was not big, just the size of his palm.It's delicate and beautiful.She couldn't even see what it was made of.

However, Long Lanyue's expression was a little cramped.Apparently, this should be the first time something like this has been done.

This is what Ye Ning inquired about from other places.

He walked up to her and sat facing her.The little cake was moved in front of her.

There is a candle on it, and a number on the candle.Her 24.

"Lu Xintong, happy birthday." The voice of these words was a bit stiff.

Lu Xintong's eyes were filled with steam, she thought that Long Lanyue was suffering from that unimaginable pain, and she had long forgotten her birthday.Didn't expect him to still remember.

Looking at Long Lanyue's awkward and cramped look, she couldn't help laughing through tears.

Perhaps because he thought he was not awkward enough, Lu Xintong threw another bombshell: "Long Lanyue, can you sing me a birthday song?!"

(End of this chapter)

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