Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 25 Want to Know Your Name

Chapter 25 Want to Know Your Name

Long Lanyue's casual voice sounded, a little less cold, but more playful.

"Ah?!" Lu Xintong couldn't help but exclaimed, feeling like being caught doing something bad.At this time, I can't wait to find a hole to drill down.

"I...I'm not..." Although Lu Xintong was usually eloquent, under his strong aura at this time, he was a little speechless.

Long Lanyue walked towards her step by step, every time he took a step closer, Lu Xintong became extremely nervous.

"I don't allow outsiders to come in here." Finally, he walked up to her and stood still, looking down at her.Lu Xintong's powerful and special masculine aura lingered all over his body, and that inexplicable sense of familiarity reappeared...

That feeling actually made Lu Xintong slightly forget her nervousness...

"Master Long, you... what's your name?!" Lu Xintong asked in a strange manner.

Long Lanyue raised her eyebrows, bowed slightly, and her eyes were level with hers.

Lu Xintong inadvertently met his gaze, and instantly fell into his deep eyes, as if forgetting everything around her.She had never seen such beautiful eyes.It looks like a beautiful sapphire, so beautiful that it cannot be described!
"You want to know my name?!" Long Lanyue lowered her voice.There seems to be some kind of magic in his voice, which makes people lose the ability to think.

Lu Xintong nodded truthfully: "I'm Lu Xintong, I want to know your name..."

If it was someone else, he wouldn't deserve to know his name, but she has always been different.

"Long Lanyue" he even said his name without realizing it.

"Long Lanyue... What a nice name..." Lu Xintong sighed sincerely, it was a kind of worship.She didn't know what was going on with her, she was obviously afraid at first and wanted to stay away from this person, but now...

It's incredible that another emotion has been changed.

"Hmm..." Suddenly, Lu Xintong felt his waist being held by him, making her approach him.

Lu Xintong only felt that her breathing was about to stop, and instinctively, she put her hands on his chest.

When I touched his clothes, I realized that it was as cold as his own.

"What... what are you going to do?" She asked with difficulty.

But Long Lanyue didn't speak, but lowered her head, and gradually approached her, close to her lips...

She only felt that her breathing was stagnant, her eyes darkened, and she suddenly lost consciousness...

I don't know how long it took, but she just felt that the surroundings were very noisy, and someone kept calling her name.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and slowly opened her eyes.

"Xin Tong, it's great that you finally woke up! You scared me to death!" Mira was so excited that she almost cried.

Lu Xintong was in a daze, and after a while, she came back to her senses: So she subconsciously asked, "Mila, where am I now?!"

Her eyes were hollow and her voice was lifeless.asked mutteringly.

This made Mira anxious: "You are in the tent. Do you know that you have slept for a long time?"

Lu Xintong frowned slightly, and some things flashed through her mind like a slideshow.Consciousness gradually returned.

"Didn't I get lost? How did you find us?!" Lu Xintong was full of surprises, she was clearly in the castle with Long Lanyue, why did she suddenly become like this...it's unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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