Chapter 30

Lu Xintong also seemed to realize that since she started having that dream, subtle changes have taken place in her life.

She didn't know if all of this was related, she always felt that there was some inexplicable connection, and she really had to trace it back, but she thought of something.

She never liked to think about those things.Now I just want to have a smoother interview tomorrow.

The interview time was 10:8 am the next day, and Lu Xintong woke up after [-]:[-] am, in a good state of mind.

Thinking that if you can be admitted by such a good unit, then you don't have to worry about it in the future.She can work hard in this field.

Mira said to go with her, but Lu Xintong politely refused. It would definitely take time for her to go to the interview, and maybe the time would continue, and she didn't want her to waste time.

Now that she said so, Mira didn't insist.It just so happened that she could do something else as well.

The interior decoration company that Lu Xintong interviewed had a very unique name, it was called Jujia.A leading design company in the industry.

As soon as the interview time came, she was led to an office by the female secretary.

I thought it was the HR office, but whoever thought it was the boss.A very handsome boss, if Long Lanyue is the kind of aggressive and very flamboyant handsome, then this one in front of him has a kind of feminine beauty.Evil and crazy.

She murmured to herself, it was indeed a bit evil, the people she met recently, both men and women, were surprisingly handsome and good-looking.

This handsome boss seemed to be observing her as well, calmly.But Lu Xintong seemed to feel his gaze, as if he wanted to dissect her.

That look made Lu Xintong uncomfortable.But she didn't show it.

"You are Lu Xintong?!" The handsome boss spoke, his voice was very gentle, and it was very comfortable to listen to. He and Long Lanyue were two completely different types.It seems to be two extremes.

Lu Xintong didn't realize that she would unconsciously compare Long Lanyue with him.

"I am." She nodded respectfully.

The handsome boss held a pen between his slender fingers, and tapped the table casually.

He nodded, and then said, "Sit down. Let me introduce myself."

Lu Xintong couldn't help but slander, she heard that the owner of the home company was a middle-aged man in his 40s, and she didn't know why he changed it.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that this man was a bit strange.As for what was strange, she couldn't tell.

Since he asked to introduce himself, Lu Xintong did not hesitate too long, and immediately introduced himself concisely.

Originally, she thought he would ask some more questions, but she was ready to answer them.

What surprised Lu Xintong was that he didn't have anything and just told her to go to work tomorrow.After hearing his decision, she froze immediately, unable to react for a while.

The handsome boss smiled evilly: "What? You have a problem?!"

"Uh... no, thank you boss." Lu Xintong quickly recovered and answered his question.

"That's best, come to work tomorrow, besides, my name is An Yi," he said meaningfully at the end.

Lu Xintong nodded, indicating that she remembered it.She couldn't help cursing in her heart, their family had indeed changed their boss, and she remembered that the previous boss was not this person.

Anyway, no matter what, Lu Xintong thought, as long as the job is settled.

After that, she left the office, looked at her back, and An Yi held her chin thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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