Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 405 Please give me more advice for the rest of my life

Chapter 405 Please give me more advice for the rest of my life
Tie her there, anyway, let's settle the matter first.I will talk about other things slowly later.

However, fortunately for him, his wife is a very considerate girl.

09:30 in the morning, Longdu Marriage Registration Office

Unexpectedly, there were not many couples who registered for marriage on this day. She checked it specially, and it was obviously a good day.There were not many people.Subconsciously, she first thought of Long Lanyue's cause.

Looking at the staff again, they were not surprised to see him.It stands to reason that with his monstrous appearance, anyone who sees him can't help being obsessed.

Thinking of this, she was a little unhappy. This kind of appearance, with its own function of attracting bees and butterflies, sometimes wished to hide him in her pocket so that no one could spy on her.

"They can't see my face clearly." Facing Lu Xintong's surprised eyes, before she could ask, he had already taken the initiative to explain.

Lu Xintong couldn't help but widen her eyes when she heard the words, and suddenly realized.Well, it was the same when I brought Mira to him last time.Such a skill should be a piece of cake for him.

Fill out forms, take photos, print, swear, seal.Everything is going smooth.

Coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Lu Xintong held a freshly baked marriage certificate in both hands.In the sun, it is bright red.It seems that there is still temperature.It is the temperature of their love.

Suddenly, a layer of water vapor filled her eye sockets.Tears glistened in his eyes.

"Long Lanyue, we are legally married now!" Her voice was involuntarily choked with sobs.

"Well, husband and wife." Actually, this was a very shocking thing for Long Lanyue.Before meeting Lu Xintong, he never thought that such a day would happen to him.He's better at hiding his emotions so they don't show.

"Mr. Long, please give me more advice for the rest of my life!" Lu Xintong stretched out her hand.With a big smile on his face.

"Well, I also ask Mrs. Long for your advice." When he said this, there was still a bit of embarrassment in his eyes.It seems a little embarrassed.

Anyway, in Lu Xintong's opinion, not to mention how cute she is.

"You said, shouldn't we have a good celebration?" I don't want others to see Long Lanyue more, even if they can't see his face clearly, they can't see his good figure.Today's little girl has too strong brain skills, and such a figure is also rare.

That is to say, those super male models on TV can have such a figure.However, Lu Xintong felt that those people's bodies were not as good as his.

She tested it herself.As if recalling some unsuitable scenes for children, her face turned red involuntarily.

Lu Xintong lowered her head, not wanting Long Lanyue to notice her strangeness.Otherwise, you must laugh at her.

"You decide." Naturally, he had no objection to her proposal.Anyway, seeing her happy, his mood will also improve.

"Well, let's ask Ye Ning and the others to join us, so there will be more people. However, will inviting Dr. Si Chen at this time be a stimulus to him?" At the end, Lu Xintong had doubts again.

"Don't worry about him, just give him some stimulation." Long Lanyue rubbed her hair.

Lu Xintong stuck out her tongue playfully.She can imagine Si Chen's appearance.unless……

"Hey, why don't you call Ye Xue back, I think, my mother has disappeared for so many years, and she will definitely not be found for a while. It's okay to delay for a day or two." Lu Xintong wanted everyone to share them together. joy.

"I listen to you"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was embraced by Lu Xintong.

(End of this chapter)

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