Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 438 Slowly Recovering

Chapter 438 Slowly Recovering
Mu Xuan's sudden gaffe made Lu Xintong a little surprised.

She suddenly became nervous.I can't even explain why.

Her cautious voice sounded again: "Mom, are you really okay?" The tone was full of worry.

Sometimes, when a person is sad, you can't comfort her. Any comfort, or some unintentional words, will make her long-standing strength collapse.

This is the case for Mu Xuan at this time. Thinking of the days when she was made things difficult for her, at a young age, she had to face so many things alone.Just because, unlike other children, she has a mother who loves her.Tears fell one by one, feeling a little out of control.

Seeing her like this, Lu Xintong suddenly panicked.

"Mom, why are you crying? What happened? Can you tell me?" Lu Xintong's voice trembled.

For some reason, seeing her mother's tears, Lu Xintong felt heartache.

"Mom is fine, I just thought of something and felt a little touched." Perhaps it was because of seeing her daughter's serious worry and reluctance.

Mu Xuan quickly wiped away her tears, and then quickly explained.

"Did you think of something sad?" Lu Xintong asked worriedly.

Mu Xuan shook her head: "No, it's a happy thing. Our Xintong will recover soon."Quickly appease.

"Okay. Mom, if there is anything, you must tell me, and I can help you with your worries." She wanted to grab her mother's hand, but she was helpless, she couldn't move it now, and neither did her hand.At this moment, she really felt annoyed like never before.

"Okay." Mu Xuan responded, and then continued to massage her.

The mother and daughter had their own concerns, and no one spoke again.

After Lu Xintong woke up, her recovery speed also accelerated.This is of course due to Mu Xuan's meticulous care every day.And take the trouble to give him a massage.

Although the days are monotonous every day, fortunately, the days go by relatively quickly.Although Lu Xintong woke up, she still slept most of the day.I wake up two or three times a day, luckily it's almost time to eat.

During waking hours, Lu Xintong would chat with her mother.She found that she liked her mother very much, and liked the time spent with her mother, which seemed to be something she had longed for. Obviously her mother had said that they were always together.But she felt very strange.

When her mother said so, she wouldn't doubt it, and now she just wanted to get better soon so that her mother wouldn't have to work so hard.She also no longer struggles with unreasonable problems.Just rest in peace.

Fortunately, time passed quietly day by day.Soon, two months passed in a flash.

She felt that her body's strength was slowly recovering. That night, she was pleasantly surprised to find that she could move her limbs.

Such a discovery is simply tearful.It's just that the strength is not very great.She knew that there was still a long way to go before returning to normal.

For now, though, that's fine.

"Mom, I feel like I can move my hands and feet." At night, when Mu Xuan was feeding her medicine, Lu Xintong told her mother the good news.

Mu Xuan also put on a smile in surprise: "That's really great. If you can move, other functions are slowly recovering."

"Mom, how long will it take for me to be able to walk like a normal person?" She can't wait to get better now.

(End of this chapter)

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