Chapter 459 Dream

The text message was sent from an unknown number.

The content is simple: bring you breakfast tomorrow morning.It was not in a questioning tone, but informing her directly and domineeringly.

She quickly saved the number.It just occurred to me that she didn't even know his name now.

After thinking about it, and soon, she had a flash of inspiration and remembered what to save.

She quickly typed it down: a big, silly guy wearing colored contact lenses.After confirming the save, Lu Xintong couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

After struggling for a moment, she turned back: "You don't know what time I get up, how can I send it?" She clicked send, vaguely expecting his recovery.In this state, he himself obviously did not notice it.

Originally, I wanted to tease him and ask who he was, so that he would definitely answer his name.That way, you don't have to ask in person.

But subconsciously, she didn't want this, she wanted to hear him tell her.

He actually said that she was his wife, hmph, taking advantage of her.

When she was immersed in her thoughts, the other end replied almost instantly: "I'll be there at five o'clock."

Seeing the answer, Lu Xintong couldn't help but widen her eyes.five o'clock?Is this person crazy? !She hurried back to him: "It's still not dawn at five o'clock, don't go crazy! I won't go out so early either!"

As soon as it was shown that the sending was successful, she continued to edit another one: "Leave at 07:30."

The curvature of the corners of Long Lanyue's mouth on this side is getting deeper and deeper. His wife is clearly concerned about him, and she doesn't want him to be exposed to the cold wind.He is a little suspicious now, is her amnesia a fake? !
But the idea didn't last long.She doesn't look like she's pretending.

"Then...see you tomorrow at 07:30." Long Lanyue hurriedly sent it.

In fact, he doesn't like texting very much, he can't hear the tone, and can't see the expression.Thinking about tomorrow morning, I will meet and talk to her face to face.

When Lu Xintong saw this sentence from him, he couldn't help curling his lips.Hmph, he even said it was his wife, but he stopped talking after only a few words. Look at the time, it's only past eight o'clock.She didn't even ask her what she likes to eat...

Lu Xintong was depressed, she didn't realize that she didn't reject Long Lanyue at all.

If Yang Youtian offered to bring her breakfast, she would definitely refuse without even thinking about it.It seems that people are still different.

Lu Xintong did not delve into this issue.but thought of something else...

Before, she always felt that her brain was injured, so she forgot very important things, and her heart was always empty.But when I asked my mother, she flatly denied it.Perhaps hiding her?

She has obviously begun to doubt, because the feeling is too real, and her dream.In the dream, the tall man with a vague face kept calling her name, and those broken pictures... couldn't be just a strange dream.

That night, Lu Xintong had another dream.It's different than before.Tonight, that man's face was no longer blurred, but overlapped with Long Lanyue's.He was questioning her painfully, why did she forget him?
Her heart ached, almost suffocating, but she couldn't give him the answer he wanted.

When Lu Xintong woke up in the morning, she found that her pillow was moist and smelled of salt.She knew that it should be her tears...

Her alarm clock was still ringing, but she ignored it, and suddenly wanted to see Long Lanyue.

Looking at the alarm clock, it's only [-]:[-], which is the time when her alarm clock usually rings. In the past, she would lie in bed for a few minutes, but this morning, she got up directly... There is a sense of urgency in her heart.

After washing up, at seven o'clock, she walked to the window, opened the curtains, and couldn't help but stare...

(End of this chapter)

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