Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 665 Let Her Calm Herself

Chapter 665 Let Her Calm Herself

An hour later, Ye Ning came over with rice noodles.Ye Qing and An Yi came with them.

Ye Ning was still holding an information bag, which should be the information that Long Lanyue asked him to investigate.

When Ye Qing came in, seeing Lu Xintong's haggard face and red and swollen eyes, she couldn't help but pursed her lips, and her complexion became uneasy.She sat next to Lu Xintong.

When Lu Xintong saw Ye Qing, the tears that had been subdued suddenly burst into clamor again.After all, Ye Qing is one of the few people who knows about her friendship with Mira.

Ye Qing patted her on the shoulder: "Don't be too sad, I don't think Mira wants to see you like this, we have to be stronger. Take revenge for Mira!"

Perhaps because of being with An Yi for a long time, Ye Qing is not as taciturn as before.

At least seeing her good friend so heartbroken, she is no longer as helpless as before.

"Yes, we must avenge Mira! We must never let anyone who hurt her go, not even a single one!" Lu Xintong's eyes were tainted with a hint of evil.With monstrous hatred.

"Then don't cry, we are very worried for you when we see you like this!" Ye Qing comforted in a very gentle tone.

Lu Xintong nodded with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to cry, but for some reason, her tears couldn't be stopped at all, and she couldn't control her at all.

Sometimes she really can't help herself.As long as she thought of Mira and things related to her, she couldn't help herself.

"Ye Qing, I'm sorry, I don't want to...but...I can't..." Lu Xintong's tears started to fall again, and she was even a little incoherent.

"I know, I know..." Seeing her like this, Ye Qing felt very distressed.

Lu Xintong leaned against her arms again, Long Lanyue's face remained solemn.

"Xin Tong, come over and have something to eat first, we'll talk about important things after eating!" Long Lanyue took her hand.

"Hmm..." Lu Xintong responded.She stood up and came over to eat rice noodles with Long Lanyue.

This is another flashback. When they were at school, they didn't want to eat the food in the cafeteria, so she and Mira went to the food street opposite the school to eat rice noodles.

At that time, they could queue for a long time, and they could eat a bowl of Zhangji rice noodles, which would satisfy both of them for a day.

Because Lu Xintong's family environment is not good, she has been secretly oppressed by the mother and daughter. Her usual income is basically part-time jobs, scholarships, and various prizes from competitions.

And Mira's family is a little better, and she often helps her.As she said before, it would be great if she could stay in school all the time.

Lu Xintong kept her head buried, and she also tasted the salty taste in her mouth.

It turned out that at some point, as those memories flashed back in her mind bit by bit, she had accidentally burst into tears...

Sometimes, for some things, there is really nothing you can do, such as controlling tears.

Long Lanyue knew that she was crying again, but this time, he didn't say anything, and gave her time to settle down by herself.

Before, she had told him some things, such as when she was crying, don't comfort her, it would make her tears flow more fiercely.

Give her time to calm down by herself, so even though he was heartbroken to see her so sad, he still chose to remain silent and let her calm down by herself!
After eating the rice noodles, Lu Xintong had already controlled her tears, but when she saw the information Ye Ning brought back and knew what happened to Mira in the past six months, she suddenly collapsed again!
(End of this chapter)

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