Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 733 Is it Possessed by a Lover?

Chapter 733 Is it Possessed by a Lover?
Her heartbeat couldn't help but also speed up, hmph, who taught him to say such things? ! ! !He was as innocent as a blank sheet of paper, it was too much!She doesn't know how to face him now!

"Hmph, I don't want to look at it, you change it yourself!" Lu Xintong held her favorite skirt with both hands, came to sit on the sofa behind, folded her hands on her knees, and sat in a very gentle and dignified posture, just wanting to sit in the wedding room. Waiting for her husband to come back.

It's just that she was too embarrassed to appreciate Long Lanyue's dress-up show, so she could only lower her eyes slightly.

Long Lanyue gave her a meaningful look, pressed her tongue against his palate, and the smile on her mouth became more obvious.

Although Lu Xintong lowered her eyes and looked calm on the surface, in fact, there were two villains fighting in her heart.

One is saying, he is your husband, his perfect figure is only appreciated by you, if you don't look at it, don't look at it, if there is such a good thing for her, you will be a fool if you don't look at it.

But another voice said that if she saw it, she would be a pervert, and Long Lanyue would have to tease her about it in the future.

The two villains fought inextricably, Lu Xintong sighed heavily, and simply raised her head, covering her eyes with one hand, but her five fingers were spread open, through the gap between her fingers, someone could The perfect body is unobstructed.

It was the first time for Lu Xintong to look at his figure in such a bright and aboveboard manner during the day, Lu Xintong couldn't help swallowing, it was really provoking crime.

Long Lanyue saw her from the corner of her eye, and her movements were extremely slow.As if to show her a little more appreciation...

Lu Xintong felt that it was not unreasonable for her to be so infatuated with his body.

Some scenes that made people blush and heartbeat flashed in her mind, and she suddenly covered her face with both hands.

At this time, she suddenly heard a low laugh in her ears, she suddenly raised her head, and saw Long Lanyue standing naked in front of her, Lu Xintong's face became even redder with a brush...

"You...you...how did you come here?!" Lu Xintong found herself stuttering.

Moreover, before Long Lanyue laughed silently, it was not obvious at all, but this time, she actually laughed out loud, how happy it is.Is teasing her such a fun thing? !

"I'm afraid I'm standing too far away, you can't see clearly, so I'm showing you close range, am I being considerate? Huh?" His tone was clearly smiling, which was far from his usual state. Lu Xintong I even doubted whether he was possessed by some love saint.

He was so eloquent and would tease her, she suddenly couldn't take it anymore.The original Long Lanyue is even cuter!
Regarding his "considerate" behavior, Lu Xintong gritted her teeth!He raised his head and said fiercely, "Hurry up and put on your clothes! I've seen enough!"

So naked, aren't you afraid of catching a cold? !Really!
"Have you seen enough so soon?" Long Lanyue's voice suddenly became muffled.

"When...Of course, I've been watching for a long time! Hurry up and change your clothes, don't be a hooligan! Be careful of catching a cold!" Lu Xintong stretched out her hand and pushed him, her voice a little anxious!
Long Lanyue shrugged: "Well, it turns out that you care about me. I'll change it now."

The corner of Lu Xintong's mouth twitched. He listened to people and only listened to the good ones. Is this considered a disease? !
Soon, Long Lanyue also put on his wedding dress, which is the kind of long gown used by marriage in ancient times, red, with patterns embroidered on it, very delicate...

Lu Xintong felt like her eyeballs were about to fall off!She racked her brains and wanted to come up with a poem to describe him.

But with so many poems, which one should I use? !
(End of this chapter)

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