Long Shao Aojiao's skills are full

Chapter 797 Are you still angry?

Chapter 797 Are you still angry?
When Lu Xintong heard this sentence, for some reason, her heart skipped a beat. He asked her so carefully, and he was flattering her.He obviously cared about her very much.

She admitted that it was because his brother was too scumbag that she vented her anger on him, but when she thought about it, it didn't seem to have anything to do with him.

No matter how good the relationship is, in terms of private life, it seems that it is not easy to interfere too much.

As for giving Luo Qianye a chance, she also mentioned it last time.If there is a responsibility, she actually has it.

Thinking of this, Lu Xintong suddenly felt very annoyed, well, she was a little unreasonable.

Long Lanyue at the other end couldn't hear Lu Xintong's voice, thought she was still losing her temper and didn't want to talk to him, so she was a little disappointed.His deep voice sounded: "Okay, since you don't want to talk to me, then I won't disturb you for now. When will you come back, I'll go..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Xintong: "Have you eaten yet?" Compared to the irritable state before, it is much better now.Calm has almost returned.

Long Lanyue couldn't help but rejoice: "I haven't eaten yet. You're not here, I have no appetite..." As he spoke, his voice suddenly became aggrieved again.

"Well... I'm eating at Ye Qing's place, do you want to come over?" After thinking about it, Lu Xintong finally asked him to come over, after all, he couldn't bear it.

"Yes, I'll go there now!" Long Lanyue agreed almost without thinking.

"Okay. Let's talk about it later when we meet." Lu Xintong has restrained her anger a little.Know that innocent people should not be hurt.When he comes later, he has to coax her well.

The three of them went downstairs to eat, and when they were sitting at the dining table, she said, "Long Lanyue will come over to eat later. I'm sorry, I didn't ask your opinions again, so I decided on my own." The words revealed I feel a little sorry.

As soon as she finished speaking, both An Yi and Ye Qing were somewhat surprised.

It was An Yi who spoke first: "It doesn't matter, we welcome him if he can come." After all, he is his wife's master, which means he is the head of the family.

Although he also talked about Luo Qianye's matter at the beginning, he still has a good sense of right and wrong, and he will not blame others innocently.

As soon as An Yi finished speaking, he heard the doorbell ring.Lu Xintong couldn't help being surprised, it wouldn't be here now, would it?She remembered that it took only 5 minutes to finish talking with him, right?This person is so fast, as expected, he has an advantage with long legs.

Aunt Liu went to open the door, and it was indeed Long Lanyue.Seeing that he didn't look anxious at all, it was really hard to imagine that he could come here so quickly.

Long Lanyue took her seat, habitually sitting beside Lu Xintong.Ye Qing called young master.He responded lightly.Then he met An Yi's gaze and nodded, as a greeting.Anyway, there is no need for too many words between men.

He glanced at Love, seeing her red and swollen eyes, and her haggard face, he couldn't help frowning slightly.You don't need to guess, it must be a good thing that brat Luo Qianye did.

It also caused him to be neglected by his wife, so I really wanted to beat him up.

"Let's eat." The master said, and they moved their chopsticks.

After dinner, Lu Xintong sat with Long Lanyue for a while before returning home.I happened to take a walk back from here, and I regarded it as a digestion.

Long Lanyue took his wife's hand and walked leisurely step by step.He glanced at her from time to time, as if he was planning something.

"Honey, are you still angry?"

(End of this chapter)

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